Category: Linux

  • Red Hat and Family Release 9.4 and a Rocky Linux Take Down

    Red Hat released version 9.4 today. Lots of jargon (including a mention of AI), but one of the big deals considering how long Red Hat support contracts go is the addition of ARM64 as a supported architecture. 9to5Linux also had a summary of the new features. I remember back before CentOS became CentOS Stream there…

  • Fedora 40 is out today!

    Back in 2013 when I started using Fedora Core 1, I had no idea I’d still be on Fedora when it reached its 40th release 11 years later. Congrats to the team and here’s the official announcement.

  • Happy 20th Anniversary Fedora Linux and Happy Fedora 39 Release Day!

    Happy 20th Anniversary Fedora Linux and Happy Fedora 39 Release Day!

    I can’t believe I’ve been using Linux for 20 years already! I started off with Fedora Core 1 (Yarrow) 20 years ago. It was in this book: Boy has the technology come a long way in those 20 years! One of my earliest desktop screenshots from back then: Now one of my more recent desktops:…

  • Thoughts on the Red Hat Source Issues

    Thoughts on the Red Hat Source Issues

    Now that we’ve had a few months to consider Red Hat’s new course code policy, I wanted to share my thoughts since I’ve been a user of Red Hat’s Fedora since it started back in 2003. I’ve also made heavy use of CentOS and am currently running a server using one of the free RHEL…

  • Excited about KDE Plasma 6

    Excited about KDE Plasma 6

    If you’ve been following my blog long enough, you know that the KDE 3 -> KDE 4 transition was a mess, but somewhere around Oct 2010 (2-3 years after the 4.0 release), it really started to get stable and become my daily runner. By Feb 2011, I was loving the fact that KDE Plasma 4…

  • An Update on Fedora 36, Plasma 5 and Wayland

    An Update on Fedora 36, Plasma 5 and Wayland

    KDE Wayland has come a long way support has come a long way since I last wrote about it 8 months ago. Yakuake now shows up in the correct place (although it seems to have a hard time remembering to start up upon login). The lock screen bug hasn’t hit me in the past month.…

  • Warning: Bug in latest Pipewire packages for Fedora 36

    This morning I updated my Fedora 36 computer and suddenly it could no longer find any sound devices. Thanks to a Fedora user who commented on this reddit thread, I found that the solution was to downgrade my Pipewire packages. Specifically, at this point in time: A reboot didn’t make it work on its own.…

  • Fedora 36, KDE Plasma 5, and Wayland Part 2

    After using Plasma with KWayland for about a week, I had to go back to X11 because it’s not yet ready for me. There are 3 main issues I’m having: Occasionally, when I come back to my computer after locking the screen it would say that the screen locker had crashed. I would need to…

  • Wayland on KDE on Fedora 36

    I upgraded to Fedora 36 so I wanted to see all the latest updates to Wayland. I’d been reading about the updates in the KDE and wanted to see if it was more stable. I had to redo my latte dock profile. Other than that, SO FAR the only issues are that the scroll wheel…

  • How to get around Elisa’s lack of scrobbling

    Elisa is currently the “default” KDE music player, replacing Amarok. I am just taking a guess, but I think that Amarok just ended up with too large a codebase to be maintainable at a reasonable pace. I’ve been using Cantata, an mpd player for KDE that’s currently on maintenance mode. On the one hand, I…

  • KDE Challenge (Fall 2021)

    With KDE’s 25th Anniversary and the release of KDE Plamsa 5.23, I got excited to check out a few KDE-focused distros. Kinoite First up was Fedora’s KDE-based RPM-OSTree distro, Kinoite. (summary after each video) Fedora provides a nice RPM-OSTree solution for folks who want to use the tech, but don’t want to use Gnome. The…

  • Updated Supermario to Fedora 34

    Upgrade the main computer to Fedora 34. The upgrade was uneventful, but left me with a few little annoyances. It’s running Wayland, so there’s no longer a primary monitor. Also, something is slamming my processors and some programs are taking a long time to load. I was hoping things would be in better shape by…

  • How Desktop Environment Tweaking Helps Me Be More Productive

    A few months ago, someone asked about whether the rices*/modifications/tweaks people displayed on (where people show off their desktops, not human pornography) were actually useful. Someone commented they’d like to see a post on how someone uses their mods. So I decided to write this up. *I know the term ricing could be considered…

  • One tiny hitch with the Fedora 33 upgrade

    It messed with DNS resolution for my local network, at least temporarily. I couldn’t resolve any websites that needed to hit our local DNS server. I did some Googling and saw that the resolver tech was changed from Fedora 32 to Fedora 33. I change a setting for my NIC and then changed it back…

  • Upgrading Supermario to Fedora 33

    While new versions of Fedora have been pretty darned stable for a few years now, I usually wait a while after a release to upgrade. This year waiting ended up turning into just leaving it alone. But with February half-way done, we’re actually starting to get kind of close to the Fedora 34 release date.…