About Me
By EricMesa
- 2 minutes read - 234 wordsI am a creator and technology geek and the two often overlap. My interests include programming, writing, photography, creating comics, building computers, and video production. I prefer free operating systems like Linux and BSD. I prefer interpreted languages like Python and Perl. I’m learning new programming languages by solving problems in Advent of Code. I am also a father, husband, son, and brother.
My GPG Key can be used to verify emails I have signed. Nothing in this world is infallible (eg someone may crack my GPG key and impersonate me) but if you get email signed with my key, you can be reasonably sure that it came from me and is not spam or malicious. You can also use my public key to encrypt emails you send to me or encrypt files you only want me to be able to decrypt.
Old GPG Key: My Old GPG Key
New GPG Key (Nov 2015): My New GPG Key <- link currently broken
Find me around the web
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Various Badges
X-Eric-Conspiracy: There is no conspiracy