1. I Fight Dragons (179 plays) – Over this quarter I have continued to really enjoy the B Side to The Near Future and listened to them a lot after work. Scarlett likes quite a few of those songs as well.
2. Anberlin (74 plays) – For the concert last year I put all their albums on my phone. So when I listen to my music already on the phone, Anberlin comes up a lot.
3. Celia Cruz (64 plays) – Been continuing to enjoy her hits.
4. Girl Talk (57 plays) – I don’t listen to Girl Talk as much as I used to, but I listened to it as I went through the artists in alphabetical order.
5. Jake Kaufman (52 plays) – from the alphabetical listens
6. Grits (51 plays) – from the alphabetical listens
7. Jim Guthrie (46 plays) – I got this as part of a Humble Bundle a year or two ago. I really enjoy lots of these songs. He’s a great talent that not many talk about.
8. Hitoshi Sakimoto (40 plays) – from the alphabetical listens
9. Fall Out Boy (39 plays) – As happens every quarter, I had an itching to listen to FOB.
10. Isaac Schankler (36 plays) – from the alphabetical listens
11. Jars of Clay (30 plays) – from the alphabetical listens
11. Hannibal Buress (30 plays) – I really love his dry humor.
13. Christophe Beck (29 plays) – from the alphabetical listens
14. Taylor Swift (28 plays) – mostly for Scarlett
15. Gwen Stefani (26 plays) – from the alphabetical listens
Total Songs (in my collection): 15522 (Up from 15474) – just barely increased. With school and other things, haven’t spent much time trying to get new songs.
Total Artists:4560 (drop from 4562) – A slight drop – probably because I’ve been fixing tags as I go along.
Total Albums:3518 (drop from 3521) – Again, from fixing tags
Average Songs Per Album: 4.41 (up from 4.39)
Average Songs Per Artist: 3.4 (up from 3.39)
Total Scrobbles at End of Quarter: 85692
Total Scrobbles for this Quarter: 2060 – a lot lower than before.