By EricMesa
- 2 minutes read - 216 wordsOnce again I share with you the funny (and in some cases, insightful) quotes I’ve gathered over the last few months:
I had this conversation with Duffy yesterday about how politicians need to hire me as a lifestyle coach “Hey Dan, should I pay all my taxes?” “Yes! Are you stupid?” “Hey Dan, should I solicit male prostitutes in the bathroom if I’m a conservative Republican?” “…No…”
Dan: I was ready to get lunch, but found out I’m not hungy. It sucks.
“She dumped him like a step-headed red child.” - RG
‘There’s no customer who woke up this morning and said, “Gosh, I wish there was a way I could do less with my music this morning—I hope there’s an iTunes update waiting for me.” ’ - Cory Doctorow
seen in mythTV mailing list: Can anyone tell me what G.A.N.T stands for?
Girls are naturally tasty? Graphite ants need teflon? Google anything needing tacos? Gnome and Nautilus tanked?
Mai: I’ve had enough of p*ssies for one night
Daniel: the l4d to l4d2 transition is beginning instead of getting a hit on zoey hentai
Dan: What time is it? ERic: 930 Dan: I should go pee
“I was challenging you/she was stepping up to fuel the fire” - unintentional song lyrics from a chat with Dan