LXC Project Part 3: Starting and logging into my first container
Continuing my LXC project, let’s list the installed containers: lxc-ls That just shows the name of the container – lemmy. For completion’s sake, I’m going to start it as a daemon in the background rather than being sent straight into the console: lxc-start -n lemmy -d As per usual Linux SOP, it produced no output.…
LXC Project Part 2: Setting up LXC
I’m continuing on from yesterday’s post to get the VM ready to host LXC. I’m starting with Centos 7 so the first thing I had to do was enable the epel repos: yum install epel-release Then, according to the guide I was following, I had to also install these package: yum install debootstrap perl libvirt…
LXC Project Part 1: Bridging the Connection
As I mentioned before, I’m looking at Linux Containers (LXC) to have a higher density virtualization. To get ready for that, I had to create a network bridge to allow the containers to be accessible on the network. First I installed bridge-utils: yum install bridge-utils -y After that, I had to create the network script:…
How did I not know about LXC Containers?
Back when I first was working on replacing my Pogoplug (the original BabyLuigi), I was looking at potentially using it to learn about Docker in addition to creating virtual machines that were actually useful instead of just playing around with VMs for looking at Linux distros. The benefit of Docker was to have the isolation…
How to add more RAM to a KVM Virtual Machine
I have VM running Emby that I set up a while ago on an low spec machine that had been the guest computer before everyone got Chromebooks and tablets. But it only had 2GB of RAM and I gave 1GB to the VM. So I added some new RAM to bring the system up to…
In case you’re having issues creating a new VM in Virt-manager
Tried to use virt-manager again (more about that in a future post), but kept getting the error: qemu-system-x86_64: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: failed to map segment from shared object: Permission denied Well, turns out this blog post had the answer for me: sudo setsebool -P virt_use_execmem=on That blog appears to be a great…
Free Windows VMs!
For once I found a way to run Windows for free that wasn’t a scam! Turns out the Microsoft makes VMs of Windows XP through Windows 8 available for free. The point is for you to be able to test how your websites will look in different versions of IE and different versions of Windows.…
Oracle’s Virtualbox vs Red Hat’s Virtual Machine Manager
I’ve been using Virtualbox for a long time to run virtual machines when I want to check out other distros before I install them on one of my computers or to review them. It’s MOSTLY open source, although some of the key parts like USB 2.0 are free to use, but not open source. So…