Category: Fedora

  • Installation notes 2

    The actual installation process began at 2110, so it took about 10 minutes for the dependencies. This part now tends the be the longest part. At times, it even seems to be frozen – at least that’s my experience for all prior upgrades/installs. We’ll see how this one fares.

  • Installation notes

    The new DNA theme is beautiful. I have dua head setup and the second screen is showing garbage as when a Nintendo cartridge was broken. I selected an upgrade install and to update the boot loader configuration. At 2100, it begins checking dependencies in packages……

  • Fedora Core 6 will soon be my version

    And, since I downloaded it on my Windows box, the torrent will keep allowing others to download the Zod goodness. I am now beginning the install at 2057.

  • More on the Fedora Core 6 Release, or how Zod conquered the servers….

    Fedora Core 6 was 15 minutes late….at least, the anouncement on is 15 minutes after 1400 GMT, although it may just be that didn’t make the anouncement on time. So what’s up with Zod? Well, after naming Fedora after rivers and French cities, it is now named after some weird space alien-sounding name.…

  • Fedora Core 6 Releases Today!

    The wait is over for Fedora Core 6 will be releasing today, 24 Oct, at 1400 GMT or 0900 EST. Get on those bittorrents so that I can torrent off of you when I get to work. Hopefully, the Livna repositories will get those nvidia drivers working quickly.

  • Some Linux News….

    A couple of stories that I found interesting today. First of all, there’s a new Red Hat Fedora Core-based disto on the block, and it’s called Linux XP. It’s meant to be a drop-in replacement for Windows users. The screenshots look VERY nice and it definitely seems like a pretty enticing distro to show your…

  • Fedora Core Sadness

    Fedora Core 6 has slipped another two days to a release date of 19 Oct 2006.

  • Fedora Core 6 Release Date Slips….

    I noticed today that, as usual, the Fedora Core release date has slipped. This is a good thing as there are some bugs remaining to be fixed. However, it is annoying for me. I want the new toy! Here’s the explanation:

  • It’s Coming…..

    Fedora Core 6 will be out on 11 Oct 2006 (if they keep to schedule this time). Expect some screenshots once I get the AIGLX special fx working. They’re a little behind SuSe on this one, but still pretty ahead of the game.

  • Setting up a Virtual Computer with Xen (on Fedora) Part 1

    If you haven’t done so already, install xen by typing yum install xen This will install xen as well as taking care of any needed dependencies. Now you need the xen-enabled kernel so type yum install kernel-xen0 (That’s a zero there) While we’re waiting for that to install, it’s time to learn some Xen terminology.…

  • Fedora Core 5: Bordeaux is out!

    Fedora Core 5 is out. I’ll probably download and install it on my main computer over the next few days.

  • FOSS Tidbits

    F-Spot is looking really good and sporting a much better looking website. They now support RAW files as well as XMP data. Perhaps some of their programmers can share this with the GIMP people – hint hint! Fluxbox, one of my favorite window managers, and the one I’m using now, won a 2005 Choice…

  • Fedora Core 5 Test Release 3 is out!

    Fedora Core 5 has moved one step closer to being finalized with the release of Test Release 3. I’m currently downloading the torrent of the DVD because I think I want to go ahead and put it on my main machine. Yeah, it’s a test release, but I’m so impatient to get working with Beagle…

  • Fedora on VMware Player Part 2

    The important thing about installing a multi-disc distro with VMware Player is that it will create a lock on the disc so that it will tell you to change discs, yet when you do, it says the same disc is still in there. The way to counter this is to hit the CD-ROM button at…

  • The last straw

    The Fedora install was going so well…it was on disc 3 with nary a problem. Then it had the same problem again. For some reason, in the middle of the install it rebooted the laptop again. Frankly, I’m not down with these 3 day installs. Sorry, but my laptop’s days with Fedora have passed. Basically,…