Category: Fedora

  • Fedora 7 install process

    It’s almost done installing. I’ve stayed up too long to go to sleep now. Although, I doubt I’ll stay up past one. I might have to finish it off tomorrow. Anyway…it looks like they’ve eliminated the time left to install. That’s probably a good thing as for the past 3+ years it’s always been horribly…

  • Fedora 7 install

    I usually wait a while to install new Fedora releases, but a few things made me decide to give a whirl today. First of all, my torrent finished at a reasonable time. Second, Freshrpms is actually already ready for the upgrade. Finally, I read online that it’s a pretty stable release that doesn’t rock the…

  • Pidgin Arrives in Fedora

    I thought I’d have to wait for Fedora 7 to experience Pidgin (what gaim got renamed to due to their legal battles with AOL – as I previously blogged), but they provided it for Fedora Core 6. The interface has changed a little. Here are some screenshots showing my first impressions on the differences: The…

  • Fedora 7 is here!

    And it’s called Moonshine. I like the name better than Zod, Fedora Core 6’s name. Here’s the announcement from the Red Hat Mailing List: * From: The Fedora Project * To: fedora-announce-list redhat com * Subject: Announcing Fedora 7 (Moonshine) * Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 03:28:41 -0700 Howdy, cousins! Welcome to our little Fedora…

  • Fedora 7 out soon!

    Fedora 7 should be out in 8 days. This time around there isn’t much I’m looking forward to in the new release as they are mostly just laying the groundwork for more changes in future Fedoras. My wish list is better compiz support and just a few newer versions of stuff like Pidgin (formerly Gaim)…

  • My computer Experience

    Responding to Penguin Pete’s WHY is the transition from Windows to Linux easy for some people?, I had no idea my response would be so lengthy. So I decided to copy it over to my blog. Read his and the other comments and here’s mine. As for me, my first computer was a Tandy T80…

  • Where I see the future of computing going…

    Recently, Penguin Pete, who’s on my blogroll, wrote this piece about his disapproval about where Ubuntu was taking Linux. Some of his key arguments were….doh! He removed the posts. I guess I’ll have to summarize. He said, in a nutshell, that too many Windows users were going to Ubuntu and expecting it to be just…

  • Bizzarre Stats

    I don’t know wtf is going on with Google, but according to my web stats, 66 of you came here looking for info on anime conventions (this month alone). I’ve never talked much about them except to put up a picture of someone from an anime convention. It was this one or two: Apparently there…

  • Fedora News

    A few big things in Fedora News. First of all, the Fedora Summit happened recently. They are tackling a lot of things for Fedora Core 7 including blurring the line between Core and Extras (a point of contention for those moved from Core to Extras – they were less important they felt) and finally having…

  • Double-Plus-Good News on the Dual Screen and Compiz front!

    So, readers may remember that when I upgraded to Fedora Core 6, I lost dual screen abilities. Well, after today’s update of the nVidia drivers from livna, it suddenly was working again (after I tried to set it up). But then compiz no longer wanted to work! That frustrated me as I wanted to have…

  • Fedora Core 6 Review: Gaim 2.0 Beta 4

    Fedora Core 6 Review:  Gaim 2.0 Beta 4

    Fedora Core 6 comes with Gaim 2.0 Beta 4. Above you can see it together with the new Fedora Core 6 DNA-style background. As you can see, things have changed quite a bit in the appearance of Gaim. The largest change to the GUI involves the availability which is now set by a bar at…

  • Compiz WORKS!

    All I had to add, apart from what I mentioned yesterday was: Load “extmod” to the Module section of xorg.conf. Although others have derided it, I think it is an AWESOME addition to Fedora. It really brings the desktop to the eye candy level of Mac’s OSX. A lot of the eye candy is also…

  • Fedora Core 6 update

    I’m almost ready to do my first review of FC6. However, I’m still working on getting all the neat AIGLX effects working. After all, that was almost the whole point of upgrading. So far I’ve installed the Compiz package, which gave the the System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects menu. That didn’t work, so I…

  • Absolute first impression of Fedora Core 6…

    it is FAST! OMG is it fast! They weren’t lying about the optimizations with the latest GCC! It loads into Gnome so much faster than it used to and all the programs launch much faster as well!

  • I now have Fedora Core 6 installed

    The new version of Fedora is installed. So far, only the X server didn’t work right. It didn’t feel like supporting my dual head setup, so I’ll have to investigate that over the next few days. Other than that, it appears to have installed just fine. By the way, it didn’t take until now to…