Programs used for Programming in 2023
By EricMesa
- 2 minutes read - 284 wordsI didn’t really use any new programs this year. I just continued expanding on programs I’ve used in the past.
For Python I continued to mostly use Pycharm. I’ve spoken about it for the past few years, but JetBrains continues to add features that make it easier to work with Python. For example, this year they added a model explorer to have better visibility into your models in Django. They also make running development servers for Django, Flask, and FastAPI a breeze. (Including restarting the server after every save).
Other Languages
I started off 2023 using Goland when working with Go because I had the JetBrains Open Source license thanks to my work on the Extra Life Donation Tracker. However, development fell off and the open source license needs to be renewed annually. So I moved on to LunarVim when working on Go code while SSHd into my main development computer. LunarVim does such a great job of configuring nvim for development without having to muck about with config files. I liked it so much that I thought it might become my main IDE, but sometimes I like to be able to use my mouse. When I was at my computer I mostly used VS Code. It’s the second-most used IDE for almost every programming language and it works well for languages that I don’t want to spend money to get a JetBrains license for. Eventually I found a working nvim configuration and created a personal repo to propagate that out to all my computers. It is a lot more convenient for programming on the command line and is easier to upgrade than LunarVim.