January & February 2013 Video Game Report
By EricMesa
- 2 minutes read - 312 words[caption id=“attachment_5858” align=“aligncenter” width=“480”] Saint’s Row: The Third - Playing with Dan - the only way I could beat this mission[/caption]
Saint’s Row: The Third (15 hrs) - I played a lot of fun missions, including Deckers.die, but in order to get there I had to get Dan’s help on this helicopter escort mission. It was fun having him join in. I might need him in March as I finish up the game.
[caption id=“attachment_5860” align=“aligncenter” width=“480”] Quantum Conundrum - your uncle seems to tolerate you, at best[/caption]
Quantum Conundrum (<1 hr) - Played a bit while I waited for Dan to be available for Saint’s Row. If I didn’t know the designer was from the Portal team I would have thought it was a blatant ripoff of Portal. In the same way that Mario 64 made it so that every 3D platformer for the next few years revolved around a hub world in from which you entered all levels, it appears that Portal has made it so that every 3D physics game revolves around putting cubes on platforms to open doors. I enjoy the puzzles based around these different dimensions, but there was something more dynamically fun about Portals physics puzzles because they involved you (Chell) being the object hurtled through space. Sometimes you were falling infinitely in order to then throw yourself across the room. It just felt more exciting and fun. But maybe this one will be fun as I get deeper into it.
[caption id=“attachment_5859” align=“aligncenter” width=“480”] Saints Row: The Third - Burt Reynolds - I’d forgotten he was in this so I was just as surprised as the people who played this when it came out[/caption]
Saint’s Row: The Third (1 hrs) - just played the Burt Reynolds zombie mission. Took me quite a few deaths to get through it since the game has fast-moving zombies.