By EricMesa
- 2 minutes read - 283 wordsRecently I wanted to install VMWare on Danielle’s computer. I’ve installed Kubuntu on her Linux machine (Toad) and I wanted to get a clone over her Windows computer onto there in VMWare player. I used VMWare Converter to create the VMWare clone of her Windows computer and then put it into the Kubuntu box. But then there was a bit of a problem: the Ubuntu repositories did not have VMWare Player. I went to VMWare’s site and they only had rpms and the source code. I was hesitant to compile VMWare Player from source. I was sure it would be a monstrous mess. After all, I’d had problems with much less complicated programs.
Installing VMWare Player from source was actually quite pleasant - for a source installation. A perl script is provided which queries you on all of the options and then creates the configure options for you without having to go through all the trouble of figuring it out on your own. It was actually installed after a few minutes and working very well. I was very happy with it. I have come to the conclusion that a program with a well configure script can actually be very easy to install. In fact, between FreeBSD and this VMWare experience, the sting of installing from source is pretty much gone.
In fact, since Cinelerra is in the freshrpms repo, but I need the livna repo, I’ve decided to compile from the sourece so that I can compile it against livna sources. And last weekend, in order to get my remote to work with MythTv, I compiled the lirc daemon from source.
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Tags: Compiling, Compilation, VMWare, VMWare Player, Cinelrra, MythTv, lirc