Deep Throat!
By EricMesa
- 3 minutes read - 448 wordsWhat does “Deep Throat” mean to you? Well, if you were born in the 80s and happen to have a “dirty mind” then the term is a reference to a type of oral sex. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I’d rather not be the one to take away your innocence so go google it. If you are a history buff or were born in the 60s (or earlier), “Deep Throat” was the name given to an informant to the Washington Post who helped to leak key information about Richard Nixon which ended up in his resignation. In my opinion, it was a very weird name to give to this person considering the fact that it was a reference to a cult pornography movie in which a woman who was unable to orgasm, called upon a doctor who found out that the problem was that her clitorus was located in her throat. I think you can guess where the porno went from there. (I’ve never seen it, but saw some clips on VH1 - I think it’s the grandfather of cheesy 70s music-style pornography - the kind which is always parodied)
It seems almost impossible to believe in today’s world of instant news, but the identity of this person was kept secret until about a month ago! Can you imagine something like this happening nowadays? It wouldn’t happen because the press would have demanded to know who this “anonymous” source was. It would be on the the news constantly until an answer was finally given. 24 hour news networks would update us every 15 minutes with the latest word that they still didn’t know who the guy was, but that they were working hard to find out.
Finding out who the guy was dissapointed me. He didn’t have as clear an agenda as one would have hoped. I mean, after bringing down such corruption in politics, it would have been nice to find out it was just a concerned White House worker who wanted to protect the American people. Instead he was the #2 man at the FBI. Nixon purposely didn’t allow him to become head of the FBI, even though he had been Hoover’s protege. So it seems there was a bit of a motive. Even if he didn’t do it for that reason, it still taints the guy in my eyes. Also we may never know because he is a frail 90-something year old guy who recently suffered a stroke. While he seems to have most or all of his capabilities, we may never know his true motives from the 1970s. Mark Felt - you will live on in history as a mysterious person.