Tag: web browsers

  • Web Browsers: Vivaldi Features and Firefox News

    This post continues a series on exploring new browsers (last few posts): Vivaldi About 4 years ago I decided to start exploring various web browsers. Eventually I settled on Vivaldi as my main browser both on Windows and Linux. When I first installed Vivaldi, I mentioned that vertical tabs are very helpful on a wide…

  • Brave on Windows Part 1

    Brave on Windows Part 1

    This post continues a series on exploring new browsers: Are Web Browsers getting exciting again? Vivaldi Part 1 Vivaldi Part 2 Vivaldi Part 3 I’ve been using Vivaldi on Windows for about four months now. As I keep saying, my browser needs on Windows aren’t too huge. Mostly I access youtube, the Stardew Valley Farm…

  • Web Browsers Update: Vivaldi on Windows Part 3 and Firefox

    Web Browsers Update: Vivaldi on Windows Part 3 and Firefox

    This post continues a series on exploring new browsers: Are Web Browsers getting exciting again? Vivaldi Part 1 Vivaldi Part 2 Vivaldi I’ve been meaning to get to this post for a while now, but the recent Vivaldi update blog post spurred me to go ahead and write it. Vivaldi continues to do a decent…

  • Vivaldi On Windows Part 1

    This is the first post continuing my exploration of web browsers outside of Firefox and Google Chrome. You can read the introduction here. For the first browser I wanted to check out on Windows, I decided to check out Vivaldi. My thought process is that I’m most likely to end up with Brave, so better…

  • Flock 0.9

    (just so you know, you should be able to click on most of the screenshots to see them more clearly) Earlier this year, I took a look at flock. It didn’t impress me. In fact, I found it so useless to my browsing habits that I didn’t even bother to review it. I neglected to…

  • Flock – A New Type of Browser

    I’m writing this from flock, a new web browser which comes with a lot of built-in utitlities for the most popular web technologies including flickr and blogging. I’m writing this post from within flock’s blog utility. I’m not sure yet if this is a worthy feature or just a gimmick. I intend to try flock…