Tag: perl

  • A few thoughts on Programming languages

    A few thoughts on Programming languages

    Just a few thoughts on programming languages that have been rattling around in my head this week, but which don’t each merit a full blog post. The main theme is that the culture behind each programming language leads to some interesting choices, as is the case with spoken languages. This week I started learning how…

  • Programming Update: November/December 2021

    In these last two months of the year I only worked on Advent of Code.  November In November I worked through part of the 2016 problem set. I didn’t get too far because of how many languages I was doing at this point. Eventually I decided to allow myself to get a bit further in…

  • Programming Update: September / October 2021

    Across both September and October I got a decent amount of programming done. I just about finished the Learn You Haskell for Great Good book (got up to just before Monads) and started Head First Go. Once I had enough Go language to get started on AoC, I knew I’d be ready for the 2016…

  • Completing Advent of Code 2015 with 3 Programming languages

    Throughout the spring and summer of 2021 a few of the times that I mentioned on the Advent of Code subreddit that I was doing the 2015 problem set in all 3 languages, some folks said they’d be interested in a writeup on the experience. Now that I’ve finally finished 2015 (my first set of…

  • Programming Update for July and August 2021

    I didn’t do much coding in July, so I decided to combine the July and August wrap-ups.  Python Dreamhost Dynamic DNS I decided to clean up and update some code that uses the Dreamhost API to allow for Dynamic DNS. I cleaned up the logging output so that I could figure out why it was…

  • Programming Update for April 2021

    I had a lot less variety in my programming month, but still had a lot of fun doing it. In fact, Programming consumed most of my leisure thoughts. More about why I was doing it below, but I’ve been reading Programming Perl as well as skimming through Introducing Go and Learn You A Haskell for…

  • Strange Dream

    Last night I had a dream that combined Games of Thrones and Perl programming. Like it was in the GoT world, but we had to do some Perl programming to defeat the Lannisters.

  • My Latest Procedural Art

    More math-based art, but I really like how this came out a LOT better than my experiment with Fibonacci. Check them out! A really tight Archemedean Spiral featuring my photos tagged with Cornell An Archemedean Spiral based on my Portrait Photos A Hyperbolic Spiral of my Ithaca Photos A Polar Rose made of Flowers and…

  • My latest Procedural Art Experiment

    I think that nearly everyone who has ever learned about the Fibonacci Sequence is fascinated by how quickly it grows. I wanted to illustrate that, so I created this collage with some modifications to Jim’s makeCollage.pl script. The rules were that each picture takes the place of a number on the Fibonacci Sequence and is…

  • Procedural Art

    edited to add the tags I used That collage was created by a program. I certainly don’t have the patience to arrange all of those photos one-by-one!I told the program to download all of my pictures tagged with Eric Danny David and Danielle and create this collage. But does that make this any less of…