My Latest Procedural Art
By EricMesa
- One minute read - 126 wordsMore math-based art, but I really like how this came out a LOT better than my experiment with Fibonacci. Check them out!
Tight Cornell Archemedean Spiral by DJOtaku, on Flickr A really tight Archemedean Spiral featuring my photos tagged with Cornell
Portrait Archemedean Spiral by DJOtaku, on Flickr An Archemedean Spiral based on my Portrait Photos
Hyperbolic Ithaca Spiral by DJOtaku, on Flickr A Hyperbolic Spiral of my Ithaca Photos
A Rose of Flowers and Plants by DJOtaku, on Flickr A Polar Rose made of Flowers and Plants
A Cardioid of my Heart’s True Love, Danielle by DJOtaku, on Flickr A Polar Cardiod featuring Photos of my Wife
It’s been a lot of fun making these and I hope to keep exploring new possibilities with them.
- Archemedean-Spiral
- Art
- Cardiod
- Flickr
- Hacking-Flickr
- Hacks
- Hyperbolic-Spiral
- Imagemagick
- Perl
- Perlmagick
- Photo-Collage
- Photo-Hacking
- Polar-Equations
- Procedural-Art
- Rose
- Spiral