Tag: Extra Life

  • Programming Jan-April 2024

    This year started off pretty light when it came to programming because I’ve been addicted to the video game Against the Storm since last winter. But I eventually started working again on various projects – some old and some new. I didn’t do any programming in January, so we’ll start in February. February and March…

  • Programming Update for July and August 2021

    I didn’t do much coding in July, so I decided to combine the July and August wrap-ups.  Python Dreamhost Dynamic DNS I decided to clean up and update some code that uses the Dreamhost API to allow for Dynamic DNS. I cleaned up the logging output so that I could figure out why it was…

  • My Extra Life Donation Tracker reaches v6.0 (feature complete)

    My Extra Life Donation Tracker reaches v6.0 (feature complete)

    This is my seventh year raising money for Johns Hopkins Children’s Center via the Extra Life gaming charity. When I started back then I was brand new to streaming or recording video game play. In fact, just a few years before that I hadn’t even understood the point. I found out that you could somehow…

  • Last Few Days in Programming: Lots of Python

    Been quite busy with Python, keeping me away from other pursuits, like video games. (Although the kids have been requesting Spelunky 2 whenever it’s time to hang out with them) Extra Life Donation Tracker (eldonationtracker) For my Extra Life Donation Tracker I pushed out a new release, v5.2.2. A user of my program (man, I…

  • Last Three Days of Programming: Python

    I’ve mostly been working on version 5.0 of my Extra Life Donation Tracker. Since I adopted the Semantic Versioning principle for the project, an API change means a major version change. I’ve been taking everything I’ve learned about Python programming from 2019 and 2020 and tried to make my code both more Pythonic and more…

  • New Release (v1.9.3) of my Extra Life Donation Tracker Software

    New Release (v1.9.3) of my Extra Life Donation Tracker Software

    I’m getting really close to finally getting this program to where I wanted it to be 4 years ago. My most recent release adds in the Team info to the GUI (and the previous release, which I didn’t blog about added team info in general). I’m getting feature requests and bug reports and all those…

  • New Release of my Extra Life Donations Tracker Software

    New Release of my Extra Life Donations Tracker Software

    After a bit more work since my 21 July post, I’ve finally reached what I can consider to be beta status for the GUI. Things have matured to the point where it works well on both Linux and Windows and I’m now using it every time I game. I created a bunch of issues on…

  • New Release of my Extra Life Donations Tracker Software

    New Release of my Extra Life Donations Tracker Software

    If you follow the blog, you remember I’ve been working on a GUI for the donation tracker. Part of making that work involved changing the code to be object oriented. Also, it required moving the user-defined configs to be moved out of the main code. I’ve done that and finally tested that it works (I…

  • My Extra Life Donation Tracker gets a GUI Part 1

    My Extra Life Donation Tracker gets a GUI Part 1

    Three years ago I created ELDonationTracker to use the Extra Life API to provide donation alerts on my screen while I’m streaming or recording games. About a year and a half ago, I actually had to start using it because the previous donation tracker I’d been using stopped being maintained. Since then I’ve been steadily…

  • November Video Games Report

    Took advantage of MIL’s presence to get some gaming done before I would be too busy to game for a while. Civilization VI (18 hours): This time around I play as Greece and try for a cultural victory while also getting more involved in the religion part of the game. Vertical Drop Heroes HD (1…

  • Yes, I’m participating in Extra Life in 2016

    You can contribute to my campaign at: http://www.extra-life.org/participant/EricMesa2016 I’ve already played way over 24 hours in 2016!

  • Extra Life 2015 Post-Mortem

    A video in which I describe my experience participating in Extra Life 2015:  

  • First Nine Days in Extra Life

    I’ve been hearing about the members of the Giant Bombcast talk about participating in the Extra Life video game marathon for a few years now. For some reason, when the 2014 event happened, I decided to look into it to see if I could participate this year. When I started looking into it around a…