Late May to Early June Photojojo
Starts off with Towel Day, in memory of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and ends with a bike ride on the BWI trail.
Late April to Early May Photojojo
In this Photojojo photo time capsule, some 365 and some photos from my Delaware trip.
Top 200 Photos: #137
Another 365 entry for today’s Top 200 Photo. photo #137 is: I got this idea during the swine flu epidemic. I’d heard that some people in less-educated countries were afraid that you could actually catch the swine flu from pigs. The truth was a bit more complicated – the original strain that could infect humans…
Mid-April Photojojo
Time again for my photojojo time capsule. It contains my most interesting photos within a two week period. This time around it’s mostly my 365 plus one of my first Holga photos.
Top 200 Photos: #143
Back to the 365 Project for this Top 200 Photo. photo #143 is: Nearly everyone who does a 365 photo project ends up doing an interpretation of the Seven Deadly Sins. It tends to be really fun to figure out how to depict it. Most people never do the Seven Virtues. This was my depiction…
End of March to early April Photojojo
My latest Photojojo photo time capsule is available. All the photos were from my 365 project.
Photojojo for Mid to Late March
Once again, it’s a heavy focus on my 365 project. Photojojo is a photo time capsule that sends you your most interesting photos (according to flickr) from the previous year so you can enjoy them again
Late Feb to Early March Photojojo
Another Photojojo photographic time capsule. See it online here and get your own if you want. This shows you your most interesting photos (according to flickrs algorithms) from 1 year ago. Mine this time focus largely on my 365 Project.
Top 200 Photos: #190
Here’s the latest Top 200 Photos entry. photo #190 is: This is from my 365 project where I had to take one self-portrait a day. In my quest to think of creative subject matter, I went with modern versions of scenes from the Bible. Here I am Adam, eating the fruit that Eve gave me.…
January Photojojo
You can see it here online and get your own. It’s all my 365 project this time.
Photojojo for Late Nov through Early Dec (My Most Interesting Photos from Last Year)
See it on their site to setup your own. Mostly consists of photos from my 365 project. The last two are from a trip to Hawaii.
Dual Photojojo Edition
I’ve been slacking a bit with these, so here are two photojojo entries. The first one is from 25 Aug to 8 Sept. Apparently only my 365 was interesting at the time: The second one is from 8 Sept to 22 Sept, again focusing on my 365.
Late July Photojojo
As always you can view it on their site here. (and sign up for your own) Here are the photos from the late July Photojojo time capsule. It’s mostly my 365 with a little bit of Otakon thrown in.
I can’t believe it’s almost over!
I’m writing this post two days before my 365 project ends. It will be published morning upon which I will take my last photo. I decided to end it with an eight-part story. You can start here and follow the photos in the set “The Dark Assignment” which should be open on the right. (Better than…
My Early to Mid-April Photojojo Timecapsule
It’s my photojojo time capsule from early to mid-April. Interestingly, the Tampa Bay Rays were playing Baltimore early in April and they did that again this year. Do they always play the same teams in the same schedule? Also, the first photo from my 365 was in the capsule.