Category: python

  • What I’ve been up to in Programming: Python

    Selenium for Automated Pool Signup Spent the last week debugging that script. Turns out the key to getting it to run in cron is to add export DISPLAY=:0 && before your command. That’s because Chrome will not launch without a display to send Chrome to. Python Morsels The most recent Python Morsels exercise was to…

  • Last Few Days in Programming: Lots of Python

    Been quite busy with Python, keeping me away from other pursuits, like video games. (Although the kids have been requesting Spelunky 2 whenever it’s time to hang out with them) Extra Life Donation Tracker (eldonationtracker) For my Extra Life Donation Tracker I pushed out a new release, v5.2.2. A user of my program (man, I…

  • Switching up the hardware for the Garage IOT

    Back in May, I set up my Raspberry Pi B as my garage door monitor. Unfortunately it stopped working, I haven’t investigated yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it got hit with the infamous SD card corruption that was a big problem with the early Raspberry Pi boards. (I think I read it’s much…

  • Last Week or So of Programming: Python, CircuitPython, Scratch, Arduino, and MakeCode

    Last Week or So of Programming: Python, CircuitPython, Scratch, Arduino, and MakeCode

    Tons and tons of programming and electronics projects!

  • Today in Programming: MakeCode and Python

    Python A user of my Extra Life Donation Tracker program discovered that I had introduced a regression for brand new users who didn’t have a persistent setting. I thought about it overnight and it was exactly what I thought it would be – when I switched away from threading for the GUI, I forgot to…

  • Last Few Days in Programming: Python and Arduino

    Python Spent the last few days finalizing the 5.0 release of my Extra Life Donation Tracker and then pushed ahead to get version 5.1 out. Here’s the PyPi page if you want to use it for your Extra Life live streams. Arduino I got back to my BBQ Themostat project and did some minor programming…

  • Setting up my Raspberry Pi Zero W for the Pimoroni Enviro Mini pHAT

    Setting up my Raspberry Pi Zero W for the Pimoroni Enviro Mini pHAT

    As I mentioned before, I got a Raspberry Pi Zero W to replace my Arduino MKR WIFI 1010 and ENV board in the bathroom. My Pimoroni Enviro Mini pHAT (or bonnet, as Adafruit calls them) finally arrived a few days ago, so I setup a git repository for my code. The Pimoroni git Enviro+/Enviro Mini…

  • Today in Programming: Python

    I noticed that something had gone screwy with the Raspberry Pi 1B in the garage that was monitoring the garage door. I restarted it and discovered that last time I was coding and working on making it more robust if it had a temporary lapse in WiFi (so it wouldn’t crash), I’d created a little…

  • Yesterday and Today’s Programming: Scratch

    Stella’s Project Because last week was busy with house projects, this week I continued the ocean/water-themed programming from the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The first project was a game I made with Stella (her first computer game creation), a boat race in Scratch. While we mostly stuck to the tutorial, we did partake in the challenges,…

  • Last Three Days of Programming: Python

    I’ve mostly been working on version 5.0 of my Extra Life Donation Tracker. Since I adopted the Semantic Versioning principle for the project, an API change means a major version change. I’ve been taking everything I’ve learned about Python programming from 2019 and 2020 and tried to make my code both more Pythonic and more…

  • Today’s Programming: Ruby and Python

    I don’t know how long I intend to keep doing this, but I decided I wanted to document my programming as I went along. So yesterday I worked on Scratch and here’s today’s entry. Ruby A while ago I got a bunch of kids’ programming books in a Humble Bundle. I tried showing Ruby to…

  • An Update on my Roll-Your-Own IoT

    As things continue to happen in the commercial IoT space like Wink switching to requiring subscription fees, I continue to feel happy that I’m creating my own Internet of Things solutions rather than relying on commercial vendors who can decide to disappear or suddenly start charging fees. The cost for me is that things go…

  • Coming Full Circle: Contributing to the Python Project Matrix-Nio

    Somewhere around 15 years ago, I started learning Python because I’d gotten deep into genealogy and started using the free and open source project Gramps. As I was also pretty deep into free software (somewhere around that time I became a supporting member of the FSF for a few years – and I think my…

  • Milestones reached in two of my Python Projects

    For my btrfs snapshot program, snapintime, I have reached version 1.1.1. About six years after starting this project, it now covers all the cases I wanted to back when I started. I’m very happy with where it’s now at. For my Extra Life Donation Tracker (PyPi page here), I’ve reached my v4.2.0 release. This release…

  • My Photostats Python Program

    My Photostats Python Program

    11 years ago (HOLY MOLEY WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?!?) I wrote about Jeffrey Friedl’s LR Stats plugin. As you know if you’ve been around my blog for a while, I love stats! It’s the biggest reason I do my end of year posts with my music, reading, and video game stats. Well, I haven’t…