Category: python

  • Introducing my SECOND CGI program: Eric’s BlogRoll

    You can find it here or on the right-hand side under “My pages”. This is a program that’s been in my head for about four days and which I spent most of yesterday working on until I realized I was going down the wrong path. Ah, but I’m getting ahead of myself. This program is…

  • GNaughtyNice is working again

    After spending the past three days futzing about, I’ve finally configured things on my new server so that GNaughtyNice will once again run. So visit the link on the right-hand side of my blog and see how Naughty or Nice any word is!

  • Two Programming Firsts! (for me)

    It took me the better part of about 2 hours to figure out how to get everything to work correctly, but I am finally done with my program, GNaughtyNice. It figures out how naughty or nice a word is by using the Google search API and searching once with the porn filter on and once…

  • Superbowl Sunday

    Football just gets in the way of the commercials I want to watch. So what did I do to kill time in between? I hacked Python, of course! I found a bit of humor in this, don’t know if you will if you haven’t taken CS classes. >>> li [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘new’, ‘mpilgrim’, ‘z’, ‘example’,…

  • Becoming multilingual

    Today I started learning Python. I picked it because it’s not only one of the hottest languages right now (outside of C#/Mono), but because GRAMPS is written in Python. I haven’t explored this deeply, but I know for a fact that plugins can be written in Python, if the entire program itself is not Python.…