Category: Fatherhood

  • Highlight of my day

    Highlight of my day

    I was DMing the first third of a DnD Adventure Club campaign for my kids today. My son likes to mostly play as Grumpy Mcgrumbles, a dwarven fighter. The kids were attacked by a group of Gnolls. Normally, most of the time, the kids play pretty straightforwardly although they are starting to get more creative.…

  • Sam’s Thought Processes

    As I’ve mentioned on this blog before, I always find it fascinating how the kids interpret the world. Here are a couple examples of how Sam is seeing things at this point. LEGO Ban Last weekend I was sitting at the computer, working on some code when my wife came into the room. “Did you…

  • The Twins Recount their Day

    A few days ago, I had the opportunity to ask the twins what they did that day while they were isolated from each other. Stella: “We played LEGO and built a lot of cool things.” Sam: “We went to Costco and then came right back home.” Mind you, they both had the exact same day…

  • Sam and Keyboard Layouts

    Sam sat on my lap and looked at the keyboard on the desk. At first he tried to do the ABCs, but he was stymied by the QWERTY layout. So then he looked at the numbers. He started with 1 and counted up. As Scarlett did before him, he automatically said “10” when he got…

  • Mack the Knife

    Scarlett was watching Peg + Cat which has an episode called Mack the Fork. So she asked me if that was a song and I told her that Mack the Knife was a song and she asked me to play it. Then the following exchange with my 3.5 year old happened: Samuel: What’s this song?…

  • A Science Journal Entry

    Sometimes the things my kids focus on just crack me up.

  • Sam and Stella enjoying the fall leaves

    Sam and Stella enjoying the fall leaves

    If there’s one pleasure I was denied by growing up in Florida, it was getting to play with the fall leaves. (Of course, I was spared having to rake them – something that takes me a good afternoon here if I do it well). But my kids get to enjoy it. Sam’s expression notwithstanding, I…

  • Twin 3rd Birthday Portraits

    Twin 3rd Birthday Portraits

    Just as with the farm portraits, this year both kids were enthusiastic about the portraits. I was bracing for Sam to once again hate the idea of portraits, but his urge to do what his sisters were doing was stronger – or maybe he’s just over whatever he hated about it last year. I’m really…

  • 2018 Pumpkin Patch Portraits

    2018 Pumpkin Patch Portraits

    Another year and the kids grow older. Last year was a disaster – the twins did NOT want their photos taken. We didn’t get any good portraits. This time everyone was game and we got good portraits – at least the first time around. When we reconvened a little later, the kids were over the…

  • Scarlett’s recital

    Scarlett’s recital

    This year Scarlett did hip hop as her dance class and the instructor selected a Pink Ladies meets Hip Hop sort of outfit for the kids. Like last year I did a portrait session with Scarlett in her costume. Unlike last year, it actually came out nice this year. (Last year I rushed it and…

  • Easter at the Farm

    Easter at the Farm

    This Easter we went to the farm so they kids could hunt for eggs there and then enjoy the farm. Unlike my childhood, Easter’s pretty cold up here as you can see. It’s pretty ridiculous to me, considering almost my entire childhood consisted of going to the local park. Stella’s been enjoying horseback riding for…

  • Columbus Day 2016 at the Park

    Columbus Day 2016 at the Park

    I took Sam and Stella to the park on Columbus Day (Scarlett was in school) and they were finally old enough that I could step back to take photos while they worked their way through the jungle gym.

  • Halloween 2017

    Halloween 2017

    Jumping forward (I’m still generally working on photos from August because I’ve fallen behind with other responsibilities and playing some video games for Extra Life), we get to Halloween photos. Once again these awesome costumes were sewn by my mother-in-law.

  • Fun on the Farm

    Fun on the Farm
  • Stella