Changing To a Block-Based Theme (Twenty Twenty-Two)

Interestingly enough, I was originally exploring whether to change to the new Bjork theme I’d just heard about. Unfortunately, unlike previous theme changes, it required me to completely redo my homepage while the page was live. It was NOT a good experience. But I did start playing around with the built-in themes. For the past few years I’ve found that I have preferred the built-in themes to anything else out there.

I found the block-based theme editing to be extremely annoying and I wasn’t always certain how to change a feature or whether I was changing a global header or just the header for a certain aspect of my site. As a consequence, if you were visiting the site during that chaos, you probably saw all kinds of weirdness on the site. I’ve got it to a workable state, but I think I may still make a few more tweaks, primarily to the header.

In the meanwhile, as I usually do, here is some documentation of the prior theme. First up, here’s how the top of the homepage looked in the previous theme (WordPress’ Twenty Nineteen)

A screenshot of my old blog theme
The top of the blog homepage

and here’s the footer area:

bottom of my blog’s homepage

finally, here’s what an individual post looked like:

A screenshot of my old blog theme
Twenty Nineteen Theme A Blog Post with a Featured Image

If you want to see prior themes for the blog, you can go to the Blog Post Series page and explore them there.