Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Wordpress-Theme”
Changing To a Block-Based Theme (Twenty Twenty-Two)
Interestingly enough, I was originally exploring whether to change to the new Bjork theme I’d just heard about. Unfortunately, unlike previous theme changes, it required me to completely redo my homepage while the page was live. It was NOT a good experience. But I did start playing around with the built-in themes. For the past few years I’ve found that I have preferred the built-in themes to anything else out there.
Changing Themes After 4 Years
One day last week I was a little bored at lunchtime so I started clicking on the Wordpress Dashboard links to different developer blogs. Turns out Wordpress 3.6 is coming out soon and it’s going to focus on bringing post formats to the fore and creating a consistent way of handling them within the database. I had no idea this was introduced back in Wordpress 3.1. I don’t know if I missed the notification or if it didn’t mean anything to me because I hadn’t used Tumblr yet. Here are two great explanations: and . If you don’t feel like reading those, basically think of how when you make a post on Tumblr it asks you if it’s an image, post, link, etc. That determines the interface it gives you and, depending on your Tumblr theme, determines how to present the information you put into it. Given that one of the post formats is Annotation (meant to be a short post) and given that I quickly grew tired of Tumblr and how it doesn’t have a proper commenting system, I’m probably going to use that for shorter, less fleshed out posts rather than having a Tumblr blog.
Changing Themes Again
I last changed themes in April 2008. It hasn’t quite been a year yet, but as was the trigger last time, the latest version of wordpress doesn’t work with this theme. Last time it was tags and the time before that it was widgets. Now I want a theme that fully supports Wordpress 2.7 - especially the threading of comments and other such features. I believe I have found one that works. Also, with my current theme it has that annoying large header at the top. My dad didn’t even realize I had linked him to my blog. He thought that header image was what he was suppopsed to look at. I also think it’s interesting that this new theme is a brownish colour as was my original Tripod-hosted blog. Here are some images of the current theme for historical reasons
This'll work for now...
I found a Wordpress theme that I mostly like called Hal 5.0. I think the top image is a little over the top, but the overall theme is ok. I edited the font size up from the default - the font designer must have amazing eyesight. I also added in tag listings into the blog posts. Overall, I’m much happier with this look than with the previous one. I still think that, someday, I’ll make my own theme so I can be completely happy with it instead of finding one that’s good enough on the Wordpress site.
Changing themes again
This theme is really annoying me, mostly because it’s a fixed width theme. That means that the theme doesn’t expand if you expand your Window or have a wide screen monitor. Mostly, it means annoying things like this blog post title. As you can see, it cuts into the metadata such as the date/time. Also this theme doesn’t support tags. So you may see some strangeness as I change themes. I couldn’t find any that I truly wanted and, in the end, I think I’m just going to end up making my own theme.