Wordpress 2.5 has been released
By EricMesa
- 2 minutes read - 267 wordsIt’s really funny because my brother just asked me to create a blog for him on my server and I was thinking, “Man, if Wordpress 2.5 is coming out soon. I’d hate for him to learn the 2.3 interface and then have 2.5 come out right away.” But I set him up with a 2.3 blog yesterday and went on my merry way. Well, today I login to my blog and don’t see any changes. Then I went to Wordpress Planet and I saw this blog post followed by this one and this one. (That last one is especially comprehensive of all the changes)
Here’s the 2.3 dashboard:
And here’s the 2.5 dashboard:
and here’s how the post writing part looked in 2.5:
and in 2.5:
and for managing posts in 2.3:
and in 2.5:
and even the upload page has been greatly improved - 2.3:
and 2.5 - you can see that it’s now easy to set the permalinks for others to easily access your uploaded items:
for the comments page, the changes were more cosmetic than functional as you can see basically they’ve just moved the actions from beneath each comment to the right.
and 2.5:
Widget usage has really been improved as you can see here. 2.3:
and in 2.5:
I’m so excited about these changes. In some parts, such as widgets they have truly improved things. In other ways they’ve just improved the GUI to make things slightly easier to find. And there are quite a few backend updates that can’t be noticed from screenshots. If you haven’t updated, do it now!