Tag: Red Hat

  • The XZ Utils Backdoor has (finally?) penetrated the non-tech press

    Those of us who are deep in the tech world remember about 6 weeks ago when all our social media and news feeds were talking about the XZ Utils backdoor. (Here’s a great writeup from my favorite tech site, Ars Technica) Really quick, bulleted recap: I was incredibly surprised to hear about it today on…

  • Red Hat and Family Release 9.4 and a Rocky Linux Take Down

    Red Hat released version 9.4 today. Lots of jargon (including a mention of AI), but one of the big deals considering how long Red Hat support contracts go is the addition of ARM64 as a supported architecture. 9to5Linux also had a summary of the new features. I remember back before CentOS became CentOS Stream there…

  • Oracle’s Virtualbox vs Red Hat’s Virtual Machine Manager

    I’ve been using Virtualbox for a long time to run virtual machines when I want to check out other distros before I install them on one of my computers or to review them.  It’s MOSTLY open source, although some of the key parts like USB 2.0 are free to use, but not open source.  So…

  • A Quick Review: Windows 7

    This is the first time in nearly 10 years that I’m moving to a new version of WIndows.  I pop the CD in and boot up.  I see a text screen as Windows “loads files”. Nothing here different from a Linux distro.  Then the Windows logo pops up. Wow, I’m impressed that Microsoft finally caught…

  • Empathize!

    Well, the latest craze to hit the Linux bloggers is talking about Empathy.  Everyone is talking about it.  It’s apparently going to be in the next version of Gnome and Ubuntu is considering replacing Pidgin with Empathy for the next release.  First of all, depending on how much work is done on Empathy between now…