Tag: Go

  • Programming Jan-April 2024

    This year started off pretty light when it came to programming because I’ve been addicted to the video game Against the Storm since last winter. But I eventually started working again on various projects – some old and some new. I didn’t do any programming in January, so we’ll start in February. February and March…

  • A few thoughts on Programming languages

    A few thoughts on Programming languages

    Just a few thoughts on programming languages that have been rattling around in my head this week, but which don’t each merit a full blog post. The main theme is that the culture behind each programming language leads to some interesting choices, as is the case with spoken languages. This week I started learning how…

  • Programming Update: March 2023

    In March I continued to work on my programming projects as well as a little more Advent of Code. Things started off with me finishing up my dreamhostapi and Dreamhost_DNS_Go projects in Golang. I got the API working under all the conditions that I need and I worked on both the output of the program…

  • How Go Helped Save Healthcare.gov!

    How Go Helped Save Healthcare.gov!

    I recently used Mastodon to ask for recommendations for Go podcasts and one of the suggestions was Go Time. One of the recent episodes in the feed was a rerun of an older episode about “How Go helped saved HealthCare.Gov“. This was extra interesting to me since I wrote my Master’s Special Project on Healthcare.gov.…

  • Programming Update: Jan 2023 and Feb 2023

    Programming Update: Jan 2023 and Feb 2023

    January January was a relatively light programming month for me. I was focused on finishing up end of year blog posts and other tasks. Since Lastfmeoystats is used to generate the stats I need for my end of year music post, I worked on it a little to make some fixes.  The biggest fix was…

  • Programming Update: December 2022

    Programming Update: December 2022

    December was wholly dedicated to solving the Advent of Code 2022 problem set. Our job was to help the elves trek through the jungle to get magical starfruit. It was a lot of fun to do it live once again! This year I also had experience from the previous years (both live and on my…

  • Software I used for Programming in 2022

    Software I used for Programming in 2022

    Python This year I really worked a lot on Python web technologies so I came to appreciate all the work that the JetBrains team does to make all the little things (like running Django test server commands) incredibly easy. I essentially did all my Python development in Pycharm.  I’ve had access to the paid JetBrains…

  • Programming Update: Sept 2022

    This month I wanted to practice Go outside of Advent of Code puzzles. So I decided I would port over my Dreamhost DNS updating script from Python to Go. This would have the advantage of being a compiled program. Every time I update Python on my system, the virtual environment points to the wrong Python…

  • Programming Update: September / October 2021

    Across both September and October I got a decent amount of programming done. I just about finished the Learn You Haskell for Great Good book (got up to just before Monads) and started Head First Go. Once I had enough Go language to get started on AoC, I knew I’d be ready for the 2016…

  • GPL shows benefits in unexpected places!

    When most people think of the GPL, if they think of it at all, they tend to think of Linux and perhaps other operating systems.  However, there are many benefits to using the GPL for programs on a smaller level.   For example there is a Go Application in Facebook.  This programmer could have gone…