Tag: Firefox

  • Web Browsers: Vivaldi Features and Firefox News

    This post continues a series on exploring new browsers (last few posts): Vivaldi About 4 years ago I decided to start exploring various web browsers. Eventually I settled on Vivaldi as my main browser both on Windows and Linux. When I first installed Vivaldi, I mentioned that vertical tabs are very helpful on a wide…

  • Web Browsers: Linux Update; Firefox mistakes

    It’s been seven months since I last wrote about testing out new browsers on my computers. In addition to talking about what I’m doing, I wanted to muse about whether Mozilla really missed the mark with Firefox.  I’m going to start with the second point first. I forgot what brought them to my attention, but…

  • Mozilla’s Legacy

    A few days ago I read this article over at Tech Republic about how, Mozilla’s greatest achievement is not Firefox, but the Rust programming language. They point to Firefox’s declining numbers in the face of Chrome and Chromium-based browsers and I’m inclined to agree with the author. There is, of course, a kind of poetry…

  • Web Browsers Update: Vivaldi on Windows Part 3 and Firefox

    Web Browsers Update: Vivaldi on Windows Part 3 and Firefox

    This post continues a series on exploring new browsers: Are Web Browsers getting exciting again? Vivaldi Part 1 Vivaldi Part 2 Vivaldi I’ve been meaning to get to this post for a while now, but the recent Vivaldi update blog post spurred me to go ahead and write it. Vivaldi continues to do a decent…

  • Technology Roundup

    A 1 May Ars article and 30 April Wired article mention that a UK company known as Gamma International is selling spyware that pretends to be Mozilla Firefox. Both articles mention that repressive governments have used it to spy on dissidents, but it’s unclear from the article whether the company purposely sells to evil governments…

  • KDE Browsers Part 1: The Arguments

    I’ve been using web browsers since Internet Explorer 1 and Netscape Navigator 3. I’ve blogged about my browser history quite a bit. I’ve ended up using Chrome on all my platforms. It works on Linux and Windows and I can have my bookmarks synced up across all those platforms. Now, I’m not a huge user…

  • Top 200 Photos: #166

    From NYC to our nation’s Capital for today’s Top 200 Photo. photo #166 is: As I mentioned before, we loved to go to the National Zoo to go see the Pandas. Well, thanks to Tai Shan, the zoo got a huge injection of donations which it used to revitalize its Asian section of the zoo.…

  • Happy Birthday Firefox!

    I can’t believe Firefox has been around for five years!  I remember first being introduced to tabs and it totally changing the way I surf the web.  Back then it was a plucky upstart and didn’t even work with many websites that had been coded specifically for Internet Explorer.  Now it has around 20% market…

  • My History with Browsers Part 1: A History Lesson of Sorts

    At first I used Internet Explorer because we had a free trial of MSN.  Then we switched to MCI, who used Netscape (although you could also use IE) and I mostly used Netscape.  I think this was around Netscape 4 or 5.  I really liked Netscape A LOT and used it almost to the exclusivity…

  • Enough is enough!

    I was trying to pay my Verizon Wireless bill a few weeks ago and it kept having problems. I checked the credit card number, the expiration date, and every other field, but it was still not working. Finally I got fed up enough to call tech support rather than risk being locked out or something.…