Category: Computers

  • Programming Update: Sept 2022

    This month I wanted to practice Go outside of Advent of Code puzzles. So I decided I would port over my Dreamhost DNS updating script from Python to Go. This would have the advantage of being a compiled program. Every time I update Python on my system, the virtual environment points to the wrong Python…

  • Warning: Bug in latest Pipewire packages for Fedora 36

    This morning I updated my Fedora 36 computer and suddenly it could no longer find any sound devices. Thanks to a Fedora user who commented on this reddit thread, I found that the solution was to downgrade my Pipewire packages. Specifically, at this point in time: A reboot didn’t make it work on its own.…

  • Programming Update: Aug

    August was a programming-filled month for me. It focused entirely on Python and I mostly continued working on established projects. Let’s jump in! Amortization I wanted to re-calculate the amortization table for my home loan for the first time in about a year. As a refresher, I created this program (vs using Excel or an…

  • Course Review: Modern APIs with FastAPI, MongoDB and Python

    I’ve attended a few of Michael Kennedy’s Python courses over at He’s a great instructor and he really knows his Python. (As well he should, as host of Talk Python and co-host of Python Bytes) His usual courses at Talk Python are pre-recorded and I believe this was Michael’s first time doing an online…

  • Web Browsers: Linux Update; Firefox mistakes

    It’s been seven months since I last wrote about testing out new browsers on my computers. In addition to talking about what I’m doing, I wanted to muse about whether Mozilla really missed the mark with Firefox.  I’m going to start with the second point first. I forgot what brought them to my attention, but…

  • Programming Update May-July 2022

    I started working my way back towards spending more time programming as the summer started (in between getting re-addicted to CDProjektRed’s Gwent).  I started off by working on my btrfs snapshot program, Snap in Time. I finally added in the ability for the remote culling to take place. (My backup directories had started getting a…

  • If you get a LEGO Boost set and can’t update the firmware…

    There’s apparently a bit of a software fail for the LEGO company. When you launch the LEGO Boost app, it won’t continue until you’ve updated the firmware. It asks you to connect so it can update it, but it never actually updates. As I learned in this reddit thread, you actually need to get a…

  • Fedora 36, KDE Plasma 5, and Wayland Part 2

    After using Plasma with KWayland for about a week, I had to go back to X11 because it’s not yet ready for me. There are 3 main issues I’m having: Occasionally, when I come back to my computer after locking the screen it would say that the screen locker had crashed. I would need to…

  • Wayland on KDE on Fedora 36

    I upgraded to Fedora 36 so I wanted to see all the latest updates to Wayland. I’d been reading about the updates in the KDE and wanted to see if it was more stable. I had to redo my latte dock profile. Other than that, SO FAR the only issues are that the scroll wheel…

  • Programming Update: March/April

    In March I went back to Advent of Code 2016. In an effort not to get stuck, I decided to go as far as I can in Python before going back around and working on the other languages. So I did days 6 and 7 in Python. Overall, relatively easy Regex problems. And that’s it.…

  • Podcasts I’m Listening to in 2022

    Podcasts I’m Listening to in 2022

    This time around I’ve written a Python script to take the OPML file from Podcast Republic and generate the list along with URLs and official descriptions for all the podcasts. If I have additional thoughts I’ll add them after the official description. The World Around Us 99% Invisible – Official Description: Design is everywhere in…

  • Programming Update: January/February 2022

    I started off the year not expecting to do much programming. Compared to some months in 2021, I barely programmed, but I did end up programming much more than I expected. Let’s take a look at what I worked on in the first sixth of the year. Python Programs End of Year Video Games Helper…

  • Best thing I’ve ever learned from @PythonBytes

    I’ve learned a lot of great tips and about a lot of awesome packages (hello, rich), but the best thing I’ve ever learned isn’t even Python specific. The most recent episode mentioned and I don’t think I’ll ever again find myself banging my head against the wall when my regex isn’t working! Thanks @mkennedy…

  • Software I used for Programming in 2021

    Overall, there was a continuation of trends from last year with just a few changes. Python Pycharm PyCharm has continued to be my IDE of choice for Python programming. The devs haven’t been resting on their laurels, either. Recently they added some extra features to support FastAPI. And they also added some features that I…

  • My Programming Projects and Progress in 2021

    As I did last year, I’d like to take a look at how well my predictions matched up to what ended up happening: Working on my Extra Life Donation Tracker: Yes! I made a bunch of releases last year to fix various bugs for my users. I also finally broke out the Donor Drive Code…