New Gamemaster Month Session Prep Part 3
By EricMesa
- 2 minutes read - 252 wordsAs part of New Gamemaster month, I continued my prep work within FoundryVTT to be ready to host my game in February as the capstone project for class.
On Tuesday our homework was to learn the rules of Tales of the Valiant and watch the creators of Tov play the game. I learned a lot from watching the video, especially with how the GM often invited the players to contribute to their shared history rather than dictating it. I also enjoyed how the players would play along (“yes and”) if the players had their characters forget the name of their nemesis.
On Thursday our homework was to look at the adventure we’re using - The Adventures of Dib - and come up with the framing story around it. Why are the characters being sent to deal with this problem? How do we motivate them? I got very inspired during my swim the next day. I don’t want to spoil the framing story just yet, but it did result in this image being created:

Thursday’s lesson also mentioned some session 0 tasks. I worked to start locking down who my players would be (a few people had put tentative on my LFG entry). As I did, I worked with them to figure out if they were going to use a pre-made character (one of The Valiant Six) or create their own.
I also added some quality of life modules to the game in FoundryVTT and made another video demonstrating how to do it: