New Gamemaster Month Session Prep Part 2
By EricMesa
- One minute read - 167 wordsAs part of New Gamemaster month, I continued my prep work within FoundryVTT to be ready to host my game in February as the capstone project for class. Whether you’re on the main page of the blog or reading through an RSS reader, click through to see the YouTube videos of my session prep. (Walls & Lighting, Character Creator, and vanilla combat)
In video #4 I learn about how to add walls to the map and how to use lighting to affect what my players see in buildings.
For video #5 I tested out character creation in FoundryVTT with Black Flag Roleplaying (the SRD-equivalent of Tales of the Valiant). It’s quite a bit easier than when I was creating the wagon NPC. Definitely worth watching!
Finally, for video #6 I tested vanilla combat in FoundryVTT. Why? Because almost every video I’ve seen about FoundryVTT has modded combat. Before jumping into adding a bunch of mods, I wanted to see what combat was like in the vanilla system.