Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Black-Flag-Roleplaying”
New Gamemaster Month Session Prep Part 3
As part of New Gamemaster month, I continued my prep work within FoundryVTT to be ready to host my game in February as the capstone project for class.
On Tuesday our homework was to learn the rules of Tales of the Valiant and watch the creators of Tov play the game. I learned a lot from watching the video, especially with how the GM often invited the players to contribute to their shared history rather than dictating it. I also enjoyed how the players would play along (“yes and”) if the players had their characters forget the name of their nemesis.
New Gamemaster Month Session Prep Part 2
As part of New Gamemaster month, I continued my prep work within FoundryVTT to be ready to host my game in February as the capstone project for class. Whether you’re on the main page of the blog or reading through an RSS reader, click through to see the YouTube videos of my session prep. (Walls & Lighting, Character Creator, and vanilla combat)
New Gamemaster Month Session Prep Part 1
As I mentioned a few days ago, I’m participating in New Gamemaster Month. The homework for the first class was to choose a game system to learn and run. I chose Tales of the Valiant because I like it and I will be running a huge ToV campaign for my kids in the coming months.
The organizers recommended practicing what you’ve learned by the end of the month by running a game. The second class was about selecting an adventure and finding players. Kobold Press recommended The Impregnable Fortress of Dibs as it’s short, fun, and is a great level one introductory adventure. For finding players they had a few recommendations, including the #LFG channel on their Discord server. (LFG stands for lookign for group) Finally, potential new GMs were supposed to read the introduction to the Players Guide. I’d read it before, but I re-read it to get it fresh in my mind.