Nightmare Magazine, Issue 126, March 2023 by Wendy N. Wagner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A great selection of stories this month! Here are my reviews per story:
The Dizzy Room (Kristina Ten): While I didn’t have the ESL issues the main character has, I definitely got my first computer around the same time. I remember playing all these edutainment games like Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, and (of course) Oregon Trail while my brothers played Reading Rabbit. I really enjoyed the twist – since it was in a horror magazine, I knew it was coming, but it was great seeing it gradually emerge.
Terms of Service (Dominica Phetteplace): Sure, South Park did it a few years ago with the CentIPad, but this was a still a fun, horror version of the concept. As a flash fiction story it didn’t overstay its welcome either.
Laura Lau will Drain You Dry (Wen-yi Lee): This was such a great story that I really enjoyed. As the author mentions in the author interview, it’s in the vein of Jennifer’s Body – a female who is punished for sexuality who comes into her own. It’s a great use of horror and I loved the ending.
Alternate Rooms (Nwuguru Chidiebere Sullivan): a horror poem.
The H Word: A plea for horror to return to monsters (eg vampires, etc) rather than having humans who are evil because that’s too real for some people, the author included.
Then review of The Menu and author interviews.
View all my reviews