Top 200 Photos: #101

Today’s Top 200 Photo.

photo #101 is:
Coco Peli Sighting - 1

I saw this while walking around an area near Clearwater Beach. Here’s what I wrote on flickr:

Coco Peli is a Mexican legendary character. My fascination with him began when my mom got me a lamp where Coco Peli was the base of the lamp. She said it was free spirited like me, but more importantly it had a denim top and I was really into demin at the time.

So I always take note whenever I see one. And I do tend to see it in the weirdest places. (Like a gas station in Arizona).

So I’m now at the halfway point in my Top 200 project. So far all the photos remain bunched up. At the time of this writing, this photo has 517 views. So that’s about a 150 view difference over 100 photos. So these photos are always jockying for the position they hold. If I were to do this again in a year, many of these would either be knocked out of the Top 200 or would occupy different rankings. In fact, quite a few of these are only in the Top 200 because they’ve been in my photostream since I first joined flickr. Meanwhile, I’ve had photos gain over 1000 views in less than a year. Shoot, on February 17 I had a photo I had just uploaded a couple days before reach 200 views. (And it was a goose, not a naked woman)