Top 200 Photos: #195

No #196 because it was occupied by a photo I already featured. I didn’t capture all the top 200 photos on the first day, so there is some movement in the photo rankings. Starting with this one, I decided to capture 20 at a time to minimize the issues.

photo #195:
Why do your blossoms last such a short time?

This photo was taken during the 2007 Cherry Blossom Festival in DC. The cherry blossoms really instill in me a sense of fragility in nature. The trees only blossom for a couple weeks in March or April. If it rains too hard or gets windy, they’re destroyed. And after those two weeks there aren’t any more flowers. It’s beautiful for a small amount of time every year. It’s pretty crazy. The current batch of trees were a gift from Japan in 1912 to symbolize the peace between the nations.