Month: October 2005

  • Happy Birthday Abuela

    Today would have been my grandmother’s birthday. She died this past March during my Spring Break and I loved her very much. I know that she’s up in Heaven now having a heckuva time with her husband who was taken from her more than twenty years ago. She remained faithful to him to the last…

  • Things that make you believe…(part 1)

    Just a quick thought that I may elaborate on later (hence the part 1). Some may just call it coincidence, but days like this further my belief in God. Out of the blue I think that perhaps I should just try my server again, after trying EVERYTHING when I first moved in. Now it suddenly…

  • I’m BAACK!

    YES! Thank you God for letting my blog work again!! Oh Happy Day!

  • [1.0] The Artform of the Photograph Elevated

    Recently I’ve been reading a book on photography. Unlike my usual photography reading, this isn’t a book on how to TAKE or MAKE pictures, it’s just a book on the work of the greatest photographers of the 20th Century. They’ve inspired me in a way that’s nearly impossible for me to describe. But I’ve been…

  • [1.0] Civ 4 will be out soon!

    Linux Uptime: 17 days, 2:16 Time in Civ3: 3 hours 41 min 45 seconds Score in Civ3: Eric X the Pathetic I have been playing the Civilization franchise ever since the first Dos version. At first I didn’t like it, but as I learned the complexity in the game, I began to like it more…

  • [1.0] Smackdown in New Orleans

    Linux Uptime: up 15 days, 23:37 Yesterday as I was running on the treadmill I was watching MSNBC and, to my horror, saw a 64 year old man beaten by the cops. This wasn’t just a “Cops”-like takedown of a criminal. They grabbed him from behind and punched his head into the wall of a…

  • [1.0] Watching Disney Movies as an Adult Part 2

    A long while back (I don’t remember which blog it was) I wrote about watching Roger Rabbit as an adult and getting a lot of jokes I didn’t get before as a five year old. Cinderella just came out on DVD and I bought it for my wife since she collects Disney movies. While watching…

  • [1.0] Yeah…what did you think would happen?

    Today’s big news story, other than the Supreme Court stuff, involved the numbers from Detroit. Boy were they dissapointing! GM was down 25% from Sept last year and Ford was down 19% Toyota, on the other hand, had their best September EVER. Why? Well, it’s pretty simple. Detroit was making all of their money on…

  • [1.0] I give up, I think

    My current ISP doesn’t allow me to run a server and I don’t have the money to switch to an ISP that does. So, for now, unless I get alternative funding, I guess I’m going to come back to blogging here and having this be my permanent site. I’m pretty sad because I loved the…