Tag: Rocky Linux

  • Red Hat and Family Release 9.4 and a Rocky Linux Take Down

    Red Hat released version 9.4 today. Lots of jargon (including a mention of AI), but one of the big deals considering how long Red Hat support contracts go is the addition of ARM64 as a supported architecture. 9to5Linux also had a summary of the new features. I remember back before CentOS became CentOS Stream there…

  • Thoughts on the Red Hat Source Issues

    Thoughts on the Red Hat Source Issues

    Now that we’ve had a few months to consider Red Hat’s new course code policy, I wanted to share my thoughts since I’ve been a user of Red Hat’s Fedora since it started back in 2003. I’ve also made heavy use of CentOS and am currently running a server using one of the free RHEL…

  • CentOS Changes

    On 8 Dec I saw the announcement that Red Hat (which had made CentOS an in-house distro a year or two ago) was changing CentOS from being a free clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, to focusing solely on CentOS Stream. (The CentOS press release; The Red Hat press release) This would make the progression…