Developing My First Plasmoid: The QML Code
Back in February I posted the code to the data engine I developed for my plastmoid. At the time I’d wanted to clean up my plasmoid before posting it on here, however, I’ve become stuck on a key feature so I was hoping that maybe by posting the code I could get some help. (As…
Developing my first plasmoid: The Data Engine (in python)
I figured it’d be neat to show you how my plasmoid works so you could use it when developing your own plasmoids. Here’s the main.py of my data engine. The indentation is off, in case you try to copy and past this in. Here are the imports: from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyKDE4.kdecore import *…
Developing my first plasmoid part 3
I did it! I have created my first ever useful GUI program. After all these years of thinking that all the useful GUIs had already been invented – I found an itch to scratch. And here’s how the final, working version looks: And so there it is! I was actually surprised that this last little…
Developing my first plamoid Part 2
OK, so it’s been a year since I last blogged about working on this program. I tried working on the data engine in August and then got stuck right around the time I started my first semester of grad school so I had to drop it, even though it got stuck in my head and…
KDE Look Part 6: 4 Months In
I started using KDE in November of last year so I figured that I’d give an update on how things are working for me four months in. First off, KDE 4.6.x has not yet hit the official Fedora repositories. Since I like to yum upgrade or preupgrade from release to release, I try to stay…
Developing my first plasmoid Part 1
I have three main hobbies: photography, my webcomic and programming. After spending a year working on my 365 Project, I’ve been taking a lot less photos as that part of my brain takes a break. After working with Dan to get the story for INM worked out through May of this year and working on…