• Programming Jan-April 2024

    This year started off pretty light when it came to programming because I’ve been addicted to the video game Against the Storm since last winter. But I eventually started working again on various projects – some old and some new. I didn’t do any programming in January, so we’ll start in February. February and March…

  • 2022 In Programming

    2022 In Programming

    I started off the year mostly working on Python projects. For January and February I finally started making some great progress with understanding modern web frameworks and use of CSS frameworks rather than rolling my own. This not only helped with the Prophecy Practicum project, but would form the backbone to a lot of coding…

  • Programming Update May-July 2022

    I started working my way back towards spending more time programming as the summer started (in between getting re-addicted to CDProjektRed’s Gwent).  I started off by working on my btrfs snapshot program, Snap in Time. I finally added in the ability for the remote culling to take place. (My backup directories had started getting a…