Tag: drawing

  • A little more on this weekend’s D&D game

    Scarlett was inspired by my previous post and made an animatic-style drawing of some of her favorite moments from the campaign. The top panel is the party questioning the guards. (The ninja-looking character is Sasha, the character that Scarlett plays) The next panel is Grumpy using intimidation to question a gnoll. The middle panel is…

  • Animals

    Sometimes Scarlett asks me to draw with her. So I drew this scene: Of course, what we “see” is dependent upon our state of mind. Having been watching lots of fairy tale cartoons, her first guess was that I’d drawn a dragon and a dinosaur. Her second guess, of course, was correct that it was…

  • Scarlett draws a South Park-looking Person

  • “Commissioned” Art

    Here are some of the things Scarlett has asked me to draw. There are a few themes I think you may notice.