Tag: D&D

  • This Weekend’s D&D Moments

    This Weekend’s D&D Moments

    This weekend we finished The Wild Trilogy from DnD Adventure Club. The first challenge involved sneaking around an Owlbear. The kids asked about their options and I noted that in addition to sneaking, they could try and distract it. Sam’s dwarf, Grumpy McGrumbles, has a cooking hobby, so he took hits pots and pans and…

  • Bite-Sized TTRPG Adventures

    I’ve written a lot about DnD Adventure Club, including my last two posts. Today while I was looking at the Pathfinder Humble Bundle, I went to the Pathfinder website to see if they had a page listing differences (since Pathfinder started as a fork of D&D 3.5). I found this page – Adventure Paths. It…

  • A little more on this weekend’s D&D game

    Scarlett was inspired by my previous post and made an animatic-style drawing of some of her favorite moments from the campaign. The top panel is the party questioning the guards. (The ninja-looking character is Sasha, the character that Scarlett plays) The next panel is Grumpy using intimidation to question a gnoll. The middle panel is…

  • Highlight of my day

    Highlight of my day

    I was DMing the first third of a DnD Adventure Club campaign for my kids today. My son likes to mostly play as Grumpy Mcgrumbles, a dwarven fighter. The kids were attacked by a group of Gnolls. Normally, most of the time, the kids play pretty straightforwardly although they are starting to get more creative.…

  • Others are also excited about Obojima Tales

    Others are also excited about Obojima Tales

    I’ve been backing a few different D&D 5e adventures on kickstarter, but the one I’m most excited about getting fulfillment on is Obojima: Tales from the Tall Grass. It’s so freakin’ beautiful that I had to hold myself back from getting the package that came with everything. But I’m not the only one excited bout…

  • Miscellanea: D&D, Disney, and French Browser Proposals

    Miscellanea: D&D, Disney, and French Browser Proposals

    This post contains my thoughts on a few stories I’ve been saving up that don’t merit a post on their own. D&D Romance Just a day after posting about my kids getting into D&D, I came across this article on Tor.com about The Golden Age of D&D Romance. I had no idea it was a…

  • How My Kids Got into Dungeons and Dragons

    How My Kids Got into Dungeons and Dragons

    Two years ago, while spending time with my brothers, I played Dungeons and Dragons for the first time ever. David had been introduced to D&D by a coworker during COVID. Tony and Alex apparently had played in high school. I’m not sure when David’s wife started playing, but she joined us that night, too. David…