Tag: convention

  • Diversity Panels at Conventions in the 2020s

    Diversity Panels at Conventions in the 2020s

    Earlier this morning I came across this tweet by Mary Fan, an author I met at the Farpoint convention and whose books I quite enjoy: I gave a short reply, but I felt Twitter was inadequate to truly express myself. Of course, Diversity Panels have been around long enough that by 1997’s Chasing Amy (source…

  • Thoughts on Worldcon 2021 (Discon 3)

    Thoughts on Worldcon 2021 (Discon 3)

    This strange, COVID-filled year was the year WorldCon was local to me, so I figured it was the best time to check it out. I didn’t need to pay for a hotel or flight, just a few days of parking and metro line fees. Overall, I thought it was fine. I enjoyed the panels I…