Tag: Civilization VI

  • 2022 in Video Games and 2022 Video Game of the Year

    2022 in Video Games and 2022 Video Game of the Year

    1. Gwent (1 day, 5:50:44): Around May I found out that CD Projekt Red had changed the rules around the Gwent Journey, so that journeys were no longer time-bound. This meant I no longer felt pressured to play every day in order to progress. Freed from feeling forced to play, I once again caught the…

  • Programming Update: Aug

    August was a programming-filled month for me. It focused entirely on Python and I mostly continued working on established projects. Let’s jump in! Amortization I wanted to re-calculate the amortization table for my home loan for the first time in about a year. As a refresher, I created this program (vs using Excel or an…

  • 2021 Video Games and 2021 Game of the Year

    2021 Video Games and 2021 Game of the Year

    This year I played a LOT less; partly because I wasn’t home as much as I was in 2020 due to the COVID mitigations. Also, it was partly because I focused on programming with older Advent of Code challenges. Last year I wanted to make a list of games and go in order, but that…

  • Programming Update: September / October 2021

    Across both September and October I got a decent amount of programming done. I just about finished the Learn You Haskell for Great Good book (got up to just before Monads) and started Head First Go. Once I had enough Go language to get started on AoC, I knew I’d be ready for the 2016…

  • Programming Projects: March 2021

    Programming Projects: March 2021

    I started off the month thinking it was going to be Python heavy and ended up doing a lot more micro-controller programming. To be fair, I was mostly programming in CircuitPython, but it definitely came out of nowhere. Python Civilization VI Webhook in FastAPI Last month I created a webhook program in Flask to generate…

  • November Video Games Report

    Took advantage of MIL’s presence to get some gaming done before I would be too busy to game for a while. Civilization VI (18 hours): This time around I play as Greece and try for a cultural victory while also getting more involved in the religion part of the game. Vertical Drop Heroes HD (1…

  • October Video Games Report

    Civilization VI (9 hrs) The latest iteration of this series I’ve been playing for the past 25 years was released and the changes have made the game more dynamic and, for the first time in the series, have really made it so that I can’t just do the same thing every game because of how…