November’s Desktop Calendar
Click on the image and the right-click and either set as desktop or save it to your computer and use the OS’s background feature.
June 2011 Desktop Calendar
Here are some desktop background calendars for June 2011! Just click on the image and then set it as your background.
March 2011 Desktop Background Calendar
This is Sandy, a jackass penguin. They are originally from South Africa, but her parents are at the Baltimore Zoo. Click on the desktop you want and then right-click and select “set as desktop background”. If you don’t have that option, save-as to your computer and then set it manually.
February Desktop Background
Here’s the background for February. A little shoutout to my alma mater. Click on the image and then right click to set as your desktop or save to your computer to manually set to the desktop.
January 2011 Desktop Background Calendar
Here’s your calendar for January 2011. It’s a goose getting dry on top of a shelf of ice on a lake that was partially frozen over. Click on the image you want then right-click to set it as your background or save it to your computer and then set it that way. For Square Monitors:…
November Desktop Calendar
Here’s the calendar for November – I hope it doesn’t keep you drooling all month! Click on the image to load it into your desktop. Then right-click and you should be able to set it as the desktop background. Alternatively, save it and then manually set it as your desktop.
June 2010 Background Calendar
A sunrise in Brighton Beach is the subject for June’s calendar.
May 2010 Desktop Calendar
By request, here’s a baseball themed calendar for May now that baseball is in full swing. for square monitors: for widescreen monitors:
April Calendar
With all apologies to Dave’s masculinity, I’ve gone with a flower again. I just felt it was perfect for April. Click on the following and save it if you have a square monitor: Click on the following and save it if you have a wide screen monitor:
March Background Calendar
Here’s your March computer desktop background! Click on this one and then, once it loads, right-click and set as desktop if you have a square monitor: Click on this one and then, once it loads, right-click and set as desktop if you have a widescreen monitor:
February Background Calendar
Here’s the calendar for February. Click on it to get the full size so you can make it your background. (edit: I noticed a bug in the way the calendar appeared and fixed it on 31 Jan 2010 so just download a new version, thanks!) For square screens: For wide screens:
January Background Calendar
I was reading Scott Kelby’s Digital Photography books when he suggested making a background calendar to get my photos out there. A lot of people at work like to have these types of backgrounds and I follow another photographer/blogger that does the same. Here’s my January 2010 calendar. To make these your background, click on…