Tag: Amortization

  • Programming Jan-April 2024

    This year started off pretty light when it came to programming because I’ve been addicted to the video game Against the Storm since last winter. But I eventually started working again on various projects – some old and some new. I didn’t do any programming in January, so we’ll start in February. February and March…

  • Programming Update: Aug

    August was a programming-filled month for me. It focused entirely on Python and I mostly continued working on established projects. Let’s jump in! Amortization I wanted to re-calculate the amortization table for my home loan for the first time in about a year. As a refresher, I created this program (vs using Excel or an…

  • My Second Ever Useful GUI Program

    A while ago I wrote about my first ever useful GUI program.  And in one of the series of posts that followed I explained that the reason I hadn’t made a useful GUI program before now is because all the typical stuff has already been made over and over.  We don’t need any more tetris…

  • Programming to the Rescue: Amortization Automation

    What I love about programming is the instant feedback.  In most programming languages, after you set up a framework for the barest bones of a program you can then run it at every step of the way to confirm that you are moving towards your goal.  What I love second-most about programming is the fact…