Category: Science and Technology

  • Yay for Monkeys!

    The title of this post is, of course, a play on words. The company Ximian has developed Mono, an open source competitor to MS’s .NET. Mono is spanish (and probably latin) for monkey. The reason I’m excited is that according to , Fedora Core 5 will have mono! This means we’ll get great new…

  • Success!

    I was successful in sharing the drive with my windows computer and have tested that I can create files and delete them in Windows. I followed this tutorial. I did everything as they said to setup Samba, which communicates on the Windows smb protocol. They only thing different was to uncomment the line security =…

  • Mounting an external USB Harddrive

    In Fedora Core 4 (and earlier Cores) when the user is in Gnome or KDE, the HAL daemon will automatically recognize when a USB drive is attached to the computer. It will then create an fstab entry and all will be good in the world. I’m not sure if this happens in Debian, but I’m…

  • Building the computer

    Building the computer

    Here is the abbreviated commentary on my building of my new computer.Above are the new computer parts I used. In addition to these, I scavanged my DVD-ROM, DVD+-R, and hard drive from my old computer. I actually didn’t use the firewire ports as my motherboard has one in back and a connection for one in…

  • Becoming a little more involved in FOSS

    Today I became a little more involved in FOSS. Until now I had just been a user of FOSS without giving back. But two days ago I did what can be considered the simplest action in FOSS, I filed a bug report. Actually, I filed two bug reports! Why is this more than just complaining?…

  • new computer built

    It only took me about 4 hours. Most of it was spent doing tedious things like trying to get the motherboard screws to align with the motherboard and getting the dagnabbin’ default motherboard I/O template and the new one in. So to replace my 1.5 Ghz 1 GB RAM dell that died, I now have…

  • planned obsolescence

    Check out: Planned Obsolescence This kind of stuff ticks me off. But it’s the reason why I’m currently building my won computer. I’m sick and tired of the big name vendors thinking that they can do whatever they want to us, and think that we are ignorant enough to accept it. Stand up and realize…

  • KDE 3.5!

    KDE 3.5 is the last KDE release before KDE 4. As you will know if you are into the Linux world, most projects reserve a major number change for possible imcompabilities. It’s part of the reason why Gnome is no longer following math and is at release 2.13, which is larger than 2.9. When Gnome…

  • The Jargon File

    Think flickr is addictive? Spend hours perusing Wikipedia? Then you better stay away from The Jargon File, a reference to geek terms maintained by hacking demigod Eric Raymond. You can easily spend HOURS learning the meaning behind words in geekspeek or (even more fun) reading about the background BEHIND these terms. Eric Raymond, the major…

  • Yumex Updated!

    Yumex, the graphical frontend for yum has been upgraded to version 0.44. This version fixes all that was annoying about the previous version. It now automatically takes the user to the output page during updates to see what is going on. The interface is also a lot cleaner and there are a lot less popup…

  • today’s short posts

    there will be a series of short posts today to make up for a long and substantial one. SETI at Home is now over! I never thought this phenom would end, but, sadly, it has.

  • Linux distros for all!

    I believe that the more choice in Linux distros, the better! It’s good to have one for each purpose and the following website shows why: the best linux distro

  • The Windows Vista Window

    In all the magazines and web articles I’ve been reading, there has been a call to arms in the Linux camp. Microsoft is going to be innovative, for once, and we’re going to take advantage of it. There will be significant interface changes for Vista and MS Office 12. According to Linux Format Magazine issue…

  • Quickies

    1) In this post, wget had created a directory structure, foiling my plans to do the md5sum check automatically. The correct way to do what I wanted to do was use the option -nd for no directories. If I had typed wget -nd address it would have just saved to my current directory and the…

  • Crazy Christmas Lights

    I’m really busy, so check these out, they are awesome. It’s a guy who synced up his Christmas lights to music. Saw it on CNN and googled to find it. Sorry it’s in evil Windows Media Video…