Category: Culture & Entertainment

  • Wii Remote Awesomeness

    This guy wrote software to control music loop software with a Wiimote. Unfortunately, I think it’s only for macs. Wii Loop Machine Demo from The Amazing Rolo on Vimeo

  • Relient K Concert

    (all of these are pictures of Relient K, even in the sections when I’m talking about other bands) My wife and I went to the Relient K concert yesterday in Baltimore. We were the oldest people there as I’ve been following them since their first album (which came out around 8-10 years ago), while many…

  • A Wonderful Poem by Jeremy Bornstein

    It can be found here, but in case it disappears, I’ve reproduced it. Zero and her Origin Zero, the number said to be discovered Nine times by ancient magicians, was Found again by a mysterious order of Nine modern alchemists, who built One machine after another, until finally One exploded with fascinating results. No fire…

  • Blender used for music video!

    A pretty neat music video was made using Blender and it can be found here. It’s for the song “Machines” by KissKiss

  • So he *does* admit it!

    (I’m writing this on the 21 around midnight, but I have a lot of posts coming up so I time-shifted this to the 24th) If you’ve read my blog long enough, you know that I believe in events transpiring when they should. In other words, God places things in our lives at the right time.…

  • Bizzarre Stats

    I don’t know wtf is going on with Google, but according to my web stats, 66 of you came here looking for info on anime conventions (this month alone). I’ve never talked much about them except to put up a picture of someone from an anime convention. It was this one or two: Apparently there…

  • Why buy digital music??

    While thinking about digital music recently, and how great it was the BMI decided to sell some of its music on iTunes without Digital Restrictions Management (DRM). However, these tracks will cost $2 while the DRM’d tracks will cost $1. First of all, this seems to be a scheme to prove that the public doesn’t…

  • SCO vs IBM as a part in The Princess Bride

    I found this online and had to include it because this is my favorite scene in The Princess Bride. It concerns the current lawsuit between IBM and SCO. (Click that link to find out more about it). It appears on slashdot and is written by Titanium Fox: SCO: So, it is down to you, and…

  • Certainty and its effect On Wars

    In “Things that Shouldn’t Make Me Happy“, Scott Adams hits on one of the most poignant things I’ve read in a while. For a humorist, he has been making some amazing points recently. If you think about it, wars are generally fought because of a false sense of certainty. Usually some leader thinks he is…

  • Another Look at Thoggen (Part 2)

    So, according to Thoggen’s count, it took 4.45 hours to encode into Theora. At least with this DVD it seems that the coding team has fixed their error where the software seems to keep going past the end of the DVD. As far as I recall from one year ago, it didn’t add more infomation…

  • Another Look at Thoggen (Part 1)

    Thoggen is a tool for backing up DVDs to the ogg container with the theora video codec and vorbis audio codec. Theora is the darling video codec in Linux because it is unencumbered by patents. There are other free formats, such as Xvid – a format compatible with Divx, but it is based on MPEG-3,…

  • We won the first battle!

    The first battle in our war against those who would wield DRM to prevent us from having fair use over our movies and music has been won. EMI, a Bristih Music label with bands like The Rolling Stones, has agreed to release songs on iTunes without DRM. Please, try and support them and show them…

  • Sacrifices and other Old Testament Rituals

    I’m reading through Leviticus right now and boy is it tough going. The entire Biblical narrative has come to a complete halt as rule after seemingly arbitrary rule is spelled out. And the killer is the repitition. Instead of lumping twenty offenses together and saying, for all of these the punishment is X, it lists…

  • Who says NYers don’t know God?

  • Please pray for

    John Edwards wife and Press Secretary Tony Snow. Cancer doesn’t care what side of the political spectrum you’re on, it still attacks.