Ready to DM
By EricMesa
- 2 minutes read - 262 wordsWhen DMing for my kids I used to always pick one of my dice sets for my DM rolls. Sometimes when we would play on dndbeyond we would take advantage of the ability to roll any amount of any dice. (or the fact that it would automatically roll extra dice if needed for an attack or spell) Then I read the 2024 version of the Wizards of the Coast Dungeon Master Guide…
This was my setup when playing with the kids this weekend:
You see, I read in the DMG that one way to keep combat moving is to roll multiple dice at once if you happen to have more than one set. My son already started going this intuitively (yay, Sam!) because he has a couple higher level characters that have 2d6 attacks. It really does keep things rolling along (pun intended).
This weekend I used it during our Dungeon in a Box game. The kids were fighting this character:
The character does 4 sword attacks and one tail attack. So I rolled all my d20s (or at least 5 of them) at once to be able to quickly narrate the fight. It really sped things up and made it feel a lot more dynamic.
It’s obviously not a necessity at all when playing D&D, but if you’re a dice goblin like me (or Ginny Di - who, in this video, also gives a good example of different dice depending on the season) it’s a fun way to keep combat going and somewhat justify having so many dice. Right? 😉 😅