Torvalds' Superbowl Sunday Kernel Commit
By EricMesa
- 2 minutes read - 256 wordsYes, computer geeks *do* have a sense of humor!
Date Sun, 4 Feb 2007 11:10:36 -0800 (PST) From Linus Torvalds <> Subject Super Kernel Sunday!
In a widely anticipated move, Linux “headcase” Torvalds today announced the immediate availability of the most advanced Linux kernel to date, version 2.6.20.
Before downloading the actual new kernel, most avid kernel hackers have been involved in a 2-hour pre-kernel-compilation count-down, with some even spending the preceding week doing typing exercises and reciting PI to a thousand decimal places.
The half-time entertainment is provided by randomly inserted trivial syntax errors that nerds are expected to fix at home before completing the compile, but most people actually seem to mostly enjoy watching the compile warnings, sponsored by Anheuser-Busch, scroll past.
As ICD head analyst Walter Dickweed put it: “Releasing a new kernel on Superbowl Sunday means that the important ‘pasty white nerd’ constituency finally has something to do while the rest of the country sits comatose in front of their 65” plasma screens".
Walter was immediately attacked for his racist and insensitive remarks by Geeks without Borders representative Marilyn vos Savant, who pointed out that not all of their members are either pasty nor white. “Some of them even shower!” she added, claiming that the constant stereotyping hurts nerds’ standing in society.
Geeks outside the US were just confused about the whole issue, and were heard wondering what the big hoopla was all about. Some of the more culturally aware of them were heard snickering about balls that weren’t even round.