Yum upgrade may be the way to go if you have Third Party packages
By EricMesa
- One minute read - 136 wordsWell, the entire upgrade process is not yet over, so I don’t want to get too excited, but I think this may solve my problem. I started a yum upgrade on my living room computer - which will one day be my MythTv PVR (once I get the necessary hardware). It went through the dependency check in roughly 4 minutes or less. It’s now downloading 951 MB of updates, so it may be a while before it’s ready for the next phase. Still, if this works, I know what I’m going to do with my main computer. I really hope this can eventually become a supported method of upgrading. It seems to be a lot faster and doesn’t require me to uninstall all of my third party programs.
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Tags: Fedora8, upgrade, livna, yum