Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Bastion”
2015 Video Games Report and Game of the Year
2015 turned out to be an incredible year for videos games for me. That’s a good thing because I was playing for the Extra Life charity to raise money for Johns Hopkins. I’d heard about it when the Giant Bomb guys spoke about it, but this year I had a reason - Johns Hopkins had saved Scarlett’s life twice! I’d experimented with recording myself playing video games when Dan started his Let’s Plays and used Camtasia. But there was no way I could justify paying $100 to record myself playing games. Then I discovered OBS which was, in typical FLOSS fashion, impossible to figure out. But then I found XSplit which had recently gone to having a freemium model. Once I learned what all the terminology was in XSplit I was able to go back to OBS - which I did because they actually catered to Linux in addition to Windows. The most fun moments have been when people have stepped into my Twitch or Youtube Gaming channels and chatted during the game. It brings back the social aspect that I grew up with back before everyone had internet.
2012 Video Games Report and Game of the Year
First of all, a quick reminder that my Game of the Year doesn’t necessarily have to come out in 2012. Because I don’t have the time to dedicate to video games, the price premium of buying it new rarely makes sense to me. So my Game of the Year will be my favorite game that I played in 2012.
As I compiled my list I realized that I played a lot less games in 2012. I may not have played a lot less hours (I haven’t bothered comparing the totals with 2011), but I definitely had a lot less variety. A lot of that has to do with the birth of my daughter this year. Only as the year has gone on have I been able to carve out some time here and there to play story-based games. In addition, I resumed pursuing my master’s degree in the fall, right around the time I was able to have a bit more time to myself. I didn’t have any gameplay at all in March, September or October.
February Video Games Report
[caption id=“attachment_5482” align=“aligncenter” width=“480” caption=“Mass Effect 2 Space Graves”] [/caption]
Mass Effect 2 (19 hrs) - I knew my wife was getting close to delivering our first child, so I was rushing as quickly as I could to save the galaxy. I got to it with one week to spare. Phew! I didn’t enjoy the story as much as Mass Effect 1, but the gameplay was orders of magnitude better. For one thing I didn’t have to worry about having too many guns. (A frequent problem in the first entry) I also enjoyed the characters a little more (some of them, anyway). I ended up doing a lot more side missions and I felt they were well designed. If too much time doesn’t pass between when I finished the game and when I get free time to blog, I’ll do a writeup on Mass Effect 2 and how I liked it vs the first one. However, it would mostly be a long-winded version of what I said above and with the baby…. well, don’t hold your breath.
Jan 2012 Video Games
There aren’t any new games on here, so I’m only going to mention some quick comments on each.
Plants vs Zombies (29 hrs) - threw a bunch of hours into this game because I just had a handful of achievements left and for some reason I wanted to finish it off. 2 or 3 to go
Civilization V (9 hrs) - still love this game. I wish I had more time for it
Review: Bastion
[caption id=“attachment_5231” align=“alignleft” width=“150” caption=“A new level in Bastion”] [/caption]
While I’m not some video game hipster that doesn’t enjoy the Triple-A games, I have found myself increasingly having my most compelling game experiences on games created by indie or small studios. I think this is because indie studios are no different from starups, indie bands, and indie film makers in their willingness and ability to explore risky and new ideas. I felt the same way about Braid when I played it in 2009 as I do about Bastion this year.
2011 in Video Games (and my 2011 Game of the Year)
[caption id=“attachment_5240” align=“alignleft” width=“150” caption=“Team Fortress 2”] [/caption]
Civilization V (75 hrs) - What can I say about this game that I haven’t said already? This is the series that made “One More More Turn…” famous and it still works today. If I were to start a game tonight, I would not go to bed at a reasonable time.
Dec 2011 Video Games
[caption id=“attachment_5199” align=“alignleft” width=“150” caption=“Team Fortress 2”] [/caption]
With school over I had plenty of time to get back into video games last month. I had a blast!
Team Fortress 2 (6 hrs) - Got back into this game because my brother-in-law wanted to play it. I’d forgotten how awesomely fun it is to play this game!
Plants vs Zombies (5 hrs) - I wanted a quick game of fun so I went after some achievements in PvZ. I also found this game to be a blast.