Category: Linux

  • Playing with Fedora Rawhide

    Playing with Fedora Rawhide

    I wanted to play a bit with Fedora Rawhide so I installed Fedora 23 to a VM. I named it Blargg after the Fire Dragon in Super Mario World. (See video below) I used the following commands from the Fedora wiki: # dnf upgrade dnf # dnf install dnf-plugins-core fedora-repos-rawhide # dnf config-manager –set-disabled fedora…

  • Fedora 23 – 1 for 2 so far

    I was able to get Kurio, my netbook, to upgrade to Fedora 23 without issue. BlueYoshi, the living computer, is still unable to upgrade. So far it’s tripping up on dolphin-emu, OBS-MP, and some Gnome package. I’m not sure if that’s something that’ll be fixed as RPMFusion continues to update their Fedora 23 packages or…

  • Trying to upgrade to Fedora 23

    Tried to upgrade the living room computer to Fedora 23. As of the time when I tried, because the RPMFusion repo wasn’t ready for Fedora 23, it couldn’t upgrade. I’ll try again in a day or two if the repo is up.

  • Fedora and Dell Inspiron 17

    I recently had to reinstall an OS on the wife’s Dell Inspiron 17. I was unable to complete an install for Fedora 22, but Fedora 21 and Fedora 23 beta were able to install. It would always freeze mid-install – usually around 70 or 80%. From what I could gleam on the net, it has…

  • Another Fedora Print Debugging Tip

    The wife told me she couldn’t print from her computer. Sure enough, I couldn’t print from mine either. I tried the trick from last time and ran system-config-selinux but selinux wasn’t responsible this time. So I removed the printer and this time I added it through the cups website: localhost:631. After doing that it worked.

  • Throwing Emby into the mix

    Throwing Emby into the mix

    In my ideal home setup, I’d have computers in every room. I’m not horribly far off, but it’s mostly via old laptops and computers that I’ve retired from regular use or had donated from family members. As more of our movie purchases become BluRay (and with 4k video around the corner), some of those old…

  • Tutorial: Using RawTherapee To Post Process An Image

    Tutorial: Using RawTherapee To Post Process An Image

    In this video I share some new techniques I learned to better process images with RawTherapee!

  • My Raw Workflow in Linux (Digikam and RawTherapee)

    My Raw Workflow in Linux (Digikam and RawTherapee)

    Back in May I posted a video of my RAW Workflow in Adobe Lightroom. Now that I’m fully on the Linux photography bandwagon, here’s a video of my current workflow with Digikam and RawTherapee:  

  • Digikam 4.x and Baloo

    Digikam 4.x and Baloo

    Back when I was looking into doing all my photography on Linux I saw that whenever I would add a tag to a bunch of photos that it would crash Digikam. I filed a bug and was told it was a problem with Baloo that would be fixed in Digikam 5. I wanted my photos…

  • This guy has figured out the holy grail of PC gaming

    I’ve been dreaming (no foolin’) about this for two or more years now – having one computer running Linux with a Windows VM for gaming when there aren’t Linux ports. Less hardware overhead for me. But until now VMs haven’t been able to gain native use of the graphics card. This guy figured out how…

  • Fedora Print Debugging Tip

    I was having trouble printing and couldn’t figure out what was going on. I tried everything, including reinstalling the printer and reinstalling the driver. I was getting a misleading “you are using the wrong driver” message. Turns out SELinux was to blame! I happened to check dmesg and see some audit messages. Then I did…

  • Modern Fedora and SSH Server

    Today I was banging my head against the desk trying to figure out why I couldn’t ssh to one of my Fedora machines. I knew that while Fedora wasn’t the most secure Linux distro out there, it was more secure than many by default. That includes having a strict firewall set up. But I had…

  • What I learned while trying to diagnose a slow boot

    What I learned while trying to diagnose a slow boot

    I spent the weekend trying to figure out why SuperMario boots so slowly. I ended up overturning my ideas about what the problem was and learned a lot of new techniques. The only bad thing is that while I’m a lot closer to the problem, I’m still unsure of the root cause. So that the…

  • Changing BACK from SDDM (to KDM)

    SDDM just kept crashing on my system. I can’t figure out what’s screwed up about it. And when it would get me to a KDE desktop, I couldn’t click on anything. So it’s back to KDM for now…

  • Changing to SDDM on SuperMario (Fedora 22)

    Whenever I boot up post upgrade to Fedora 22, it takes much longer to load KDM than it used to. So I thought maybe it has something to do with Wayland and the fact that KDM is EOL’d. So I thought I’d convert to SDDM. I had no idea how to change DMs in the…