Checking out k3s and Ubuntu Server 2020.04 Part 1
By EricMesa
- 5 minutes read - 940 wordsAs I’ve been working on learning server tech, I’ve gone from virtualization to Docker containers and now Podman containers and Podman pods. The pod in Podman comes from a view towards Kubernetes. I moved to Podman because of the cgroupsv2 issue in Fedora 31 and so I figured why not think about going all the way and checking out Kubernetes? Kubernetes is often stylized as k8s and a few months back I found k3s, a lightweight Kubernetes distro that’s meant to work on edge devices (including Raspberry Pis!). For some reason (that I don’t seem to find on the main k3s site), I got it in my head that it was better tailored to Ubuntu than Red Hat, so I decided to also take Ubuntu Server 2020.04 for a spin.
While one of my cloud servers runs Ubuntu, I didn’t have to install it. I just spun it up at my provider. So it’s been a long time since I did an Ubuntu installation. I think the newest ISO I had before 2020 was one of the 2016 Ubuntu ISOs. The server install is VERY slick. Slickest non-GUI installed I’ve ever seen. I’ll have to do a future post about it. I liked that it detected a more up to date installer during the install and offered to download and use THAT installer - negating any potential installer bugs. One of the most interesting parts of the install was when it asked if I wanted to install some of the more popular server apps. The list was quick eclectic and must be from the popularity tool because it even had Sanzbd and I can’t imagine Canonical pushing that on its own.
One thing I *am* used to from my Ubuntu cloud server that I loved seeing here is all the great information you get upon login. I wish CentOS or Red Hat would do something similar.
Ubuntu login information
I decided to go ahead with the k3s’ front page instructions under “this won’t take long”:
curl -sfL | sh -
# Check for Ready node, takes maybe 30 seconds
k3s kubectl get node
After a bit, I didn’t time if it was 30 seconds, I got back:
k3s Ready master 95s v1.18.2+k3s1
OK, looks like I have some Kubernetes ready to rock. I figured the easiest container program I’m currently running in Podman would be Miniflux. I already created a yaml file with:
podman generate kube (name of pod) > (filename).yaml
That command generates the Podman equivalent of a docker-compose.yml file. You can use that yaml to recreate that pod on any other computer. The top of the file it generates says:
# Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import
# it into Kubernetes.
So I’d like to try that and see what happens. Of course, first I have to recreate the same folder structure; in that yaml I’m using a folder to store the data so that it’s easier for me to make backups than if I had to mount the directory via podman commands.
After creating the folder, I transferred over the yaml file. Then I tried the kubectrl create -f command.
sudo kubectl create -f miniflux.yaml
I waited for the system to do something. Eventually I got back the feedback:
pod/miniflux created
Being new to true Kubernetes (as opposed to just Podman pods), I wasn’t sure what to do with this information. But I was happy that it hadn’t simply failed. Taking a look at the documentation for k8s, I learned about the command kubectl get. So I tried
kubectl get pods
miniflux 0/2 CrashLoopBackOff 75 3h7m
Welp! That doesn’t look good.
Following along on the tutorial I typed
sudo kubectl describe pods
This gave a bunch of info that reminds me of a docker or podman info command. But the key to what was going on was at the end:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Started 33m (x34 over 3h8m) kubelet, k3s Started container minifluxgo
Normal Pulled 28m (x34 over 3h7m) kubelet, k3s Successfully pulled image ""
Warning BackOff 13m (x739 over 3h5m) kubelet, k3s Back-off restarting failed container
Warning BackOff 3m40s (x772 over 3h5m) kubelet, k3s Back-off restarting failed container
In order to be able to see the pod’s logs:
kubectl logs -p miniflux -c minifluxgo
kubectl logs -p miniflux -c minifluxdb
That’s because the pod had more than one container. Turns out the issue was with the database. It’s complaining about being started as the root user.
(Sidenote: awesomely Ubuntu Server Edition comes with Tmux pre-installed!)
Strangely there doesn’t seem to be a way to restart a pod. The consensus seems to be that you use:
kubectl scale deployment <> --replicas=0 -n service
So I will try that. Apparently that doesn’t work when you create it from podman yamls.
Eventually I decided to try and get underneath k3s. So the replacement for docker or podman in k3s is crictl.
crictl ps
Showed my containers. I thought I had maybe fixed what was wrong with the database. So I tried
ctrctl start (and the contaierid)
Apparently it doesn’t want to do that because the container is in an exited status. This whole thing is so counter-intuitive coming from Docker/Podman land. Then again, when I went to try again, it had switched container IDs because k8s had tried to restart it. So it truly is ephemeral.
Well, that’s all I could figure out over the course of a few hours. I’ll be back with a part 2 if I figure this out.